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i 8 AnExpefitionofthe 87. Pfalme. Verf. 5, runneth, but ofGodthat fheweth mercy. And John i. I I,I 2 13. Hecame unto his own, andhis own received him not But as many as received him,to themgave he power to become the formes of God, even to them that believed onhis name. Whichwere born, not ofblood,nor of the will of the fiefh, nor ofthe will ofman, but ofGod ; therefore muft they be iuftanr in prayer,and carefull ofgodly behaviour, that their prayers may bee more availeablewith God : as ram. 5,16. The efec`luall fervent prayer ofa righteous man availeth much. The fecond thing in this verfe, fhewing thegloriousflate of theChurch,forelhewed by David isthis,The higheft him- felf(hall flablifh her. Which is a great prerogative ; for theChurchof( sodhath mane and mightyenemies, the de- vill himfelf, andall his inaruments, who are all wicked fpi- rits, and all wicked men; yet this is fufficient ground of comfort, that the trueGod, who is Lordof the Church, is above them all,and can reftrain,or confound them all,when he will ; and can ftablifh his Church and children in the Rateofgrace, unto all eternity. In this prerogative note two things: Firft,the titlewhere- by God is Riled : Secondly, thework he undertakes for the goodofhis Church. The title is, the higheft, or molt high; where this is plain, The fecond The true God is the higheft above all, Pfd. 97. 9. Thou observation. Lord, art high, above all the earth : thou art exalted farre above all Gods, Gen. 14. 19, 22. Blefjedhe Abraham ofthe The reafon. moll highGod, po fefour ofheavenandearth. The reafon is plain : The trueGod is infinite in power and Majefty, and others betides him, inheaven and earth , are finite and under him. Great is the Lord, andgreatly to 1epraifed,and hisgreatneffe is unfearchable,PfalEne 145.3. An feels, and authorities, andpowers arefubjeCt unto him, I Pet. , 22. This ferves for inftruion, admonition andcomfort. The life for For inftru ion ; that we choofe the mod high for our inftruttion. God, and labour to know and acknowledge him ; as, Chron.