Verf. 5. AnExpofationofthe 87. Pfatme: i ig i Chron.28. 9.e.1ndthouSolomon myTonne know thou the God ofthyfathers, andferve himWithaperfeEl heart , and Witha Willingmind; andgivehim our hearts in love, fear, joy, andconfidence ; as ¶ rov. 23. 26.fofhall We befreefrom the fear of evill, asPfal. 91. 1, 2,9,1 o, t 4. He that dwelleth in thefecret place of the moll high, (hall abide under the fha- dowofthe Almighty,&c. Becaufe he hathfet his love upon me, therefore will Ideliver him : Iwillfethim on high, be- cauTe he bathknown myname. For admonition; that we make this foveraignty in God, The life for aboveall others, to be the groundof inward fear, and out- aOt`io wardobedience to the true God. See Luke 12. 4, 5. Benot of (raidof them that kill thebody, and after that have nomore that they can do : But IWill forewarne you, whomyeJhall fear Fear him, which , after he hath killed, hath power to rag into hell ; yea, Ifayuntoyou,fearhim. And adde, i Pet. 3.2 2. who isgone into heaven, andis on the right hand ofGod, eßngels, andauthorities, andpowers being madefub- jeEt unto him. For comfort,it makes greatly to thegodly againft all op.. Theufe foe pofitions from the great ones ofthe world. For the moll comfort high is their God, and for them : whereupon theymay fay, as Pfal. I i 8. 6. The Lord is on myfide, IWillnotfear what can man do untome, yea, as Pfal. 3.6. /Willnot be afraidof ten thoufands ofpeople, that havefet themfelves againfl me roundabout. Confider what the Prophet 7eremie faith, Jer. 20. i t. The Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one, there. fore my perfecutors fhallHumble, andthey Jhall not prevaile, they ¡hall begreatly afhamed,for they fhall not profper, their everlafling confufon flballnever be forgotten. Alfo, Dan. 3 . z 6, 17, i 8. Shadrach, c J'fefhach, andAbednego anfwered and faidunto the King, O 21(,ebuchadnezzar, we are not carefulltoanfwer thee in this matter. Ifit befo, our God, WhomWeferve, is able todeliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver to out of thine hand, -0 Kink (;mac. Thé felon& The fecond thing to be noted here is, thegracious work °bfervatìo /. Q q which