-120 4,, Expofition of the 87. Pfalme. Verf. whichGodundertakesfor his Church, he himfelf will eJLi- dliJhher. The true Godwill confirme and eflablifhhisChurch,and every truemember ofit, in their goodand comfortable e. Rate, againfl all oppofition by their mightieff enemies. See Pfal. 46. I, z, 3, 4. God is our refuge and flrength ; a very prefent help in trouble. ThereforewillWe notfear, thoughthe earth !e removed, &c. There is a river, the flrcams whereof fhall makeglad the City ofgod. This river is theLordhimfelf, If. 3 3. 2 r , 22. Theglorious .Lord will be onto us aplace of broad rivers and flreames, wherein fhallgonogalley Withoares,neitherfhallgallantJhips pie thereby. For the Lord is ourit dge,the Lord is our Law- giver,the Lord is our King,he willfaveus.Godis in the midfl ofher,fhe'ball not be moved. God(hall help her ,and that right early, Pfal. 46. 5. God is known in her Pallacesfor a refuge, Pfal. 48.3. VagReafon. The reafon is, for that Gods Church is his, by a more neer and peculiar title, then any other people in theworld, asnamely by eleftion, i Pet. r . 2. redemption, Tit. 2.14. fandificationby the fpirit, z Their.. 2. 13, 14. and by fpe- ciall covenant ofgrace, Pfal. 5o. 5. called a covenant of fait, for the perpetuity ofit, 2 Chron. 13. 5, from which God will never turn away ; as Jer. z 2. 39, 4-, 42. I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear mee for ever,.for the goodof them, and of their children after them. And I will makean everlafling covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good but I will put my fear in their hearts,that they fhall not de- part fromme. Yea, I will rejoyce over them, to do them good, and I will plant them in this land aflüredly,with my wholeheart, and with my whole foule. This ferves for inflrudion, and for admonition. The ñrfi ufe For inflruifiion, fee that the Church ofGod, and every forinftruai- truemember of it,is more bleffed and happy, then the slate & conditionofany other people: for the moft high will Sla- bli4i them : who thencanweakenor overthrow their corbl e