Verf. 6. AnExpofitionethe87. Ffalme. fortable fate ? IfGod be for us, whocan be againft us ? Rom. S. 3t. The Reps ofa good man areordered by the Lord, andhe delighteth in his way. Though he fall,he iha1I not beutterly caft down ; for the Lord upholdethhim With his hand, P.P. 37. 23, 24. we 1 therefore may it bePaid of them, as Pfal. 14415. Happy is that people, that is in fuck a cafe : yea, happy is that people , whofe GOD is the Lord. Moreparticularly, this is a fure ground of perfeverance urn,e(econd to every true child of God in themate of grace , for they are truemembers of that Church, which God himfelf will dlablifh. Foradmonition ; this mull Slirre upevery one effeaually The ure for to labour, to be truly born again in Gods Church : for the admonition. Devíll goes about, like a roaring lyon , feekingwhom hoe may devoure, i Pet. 5.8. Andonly they, that be truly re- generate, fhall be able to withfland his affaults : for they only have the Lord with them, and for them. Now true regeneration contains a totall change, both in mind, heart, and life; and is indeed the workofGod, by his fpirit, yet, in the means, theword, and prayer, wherein we muff e r- cifeourfelves, in an holymanner, and beware we doe not quench the fpirit , orcoole anygood motion begun there- by. Verfe 6. The Lord(hallcount, when he writethup thepeoples that this mgnwas born there. Selah. His verle fetteth out another great priviledge of Sloe, Thé meaning Gods true Church, in regardof the honour, and hap- of the words. pinefl&ofevery true memberofit ; namely,that when Gçtd: writeth down the names ofthe people, that belong tmt0 . him, he doth count and reckon thofefor his, that beborna- gain in the Church. For the better underflanding whereof we mutt know, that the Prophet dothhere (peak ofGod, after the männer of great perfonaes, who uffe toVie, andenrptvlg Qq s book 2I