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s Expof :tionofthe $7. Pfalme. Verf.6. book, thenames ofthofe, that they accept and receive into theirhoufesand families, asmembers thereof, toany place offervice; for which fee Gen. 4D. 2o. Pharoah, on his birth day; making a feaft untoall his fervants, lifted up the head ofhis chiefbutler, andof his chief baker, among his fer- vants, that is, takinga viewofall his fervants, according to their names, writtenin hisbook, (as the fame phrafe is u- fed, Numb. 31.49. there tranfated, taking the fum,which inGenefis is rendred,liftingup thehead)he reckoned hischief butler, and chief baker, amonghisfervants. In like manner, the fcripture calleth the Church the hhufe ofthe living God, 171m. T. t 5. and forour better conceiving of his certain, and perfe& knowledge, & remembrance,bothofall things, that ever were, arc, or (hall be in the world , and altoofall thofe perfons, that in a fpeciall manner belong unto him , as truemembers of his Church onearth, whom he means to glorifiein heaven, doth tell usofcertainbooks, which God Math, even threein number, which we may not unfitly thus diftinguifh by name. Firlt, the book ofhis eternall prefci- ence, Pfal 139. 16. Thine eyes didfee my fubftance , yet being unperfeet, andin thy bookall my members are written, which incontinuance were fafbioned, when asyet there was atoneofthem. This is Nothing elfe, but his perfect eternall forefight of all things, before they were, whereby he knew them, as perfealy, as ifthey hadbeen aftually written in a book. The fecond is thebook of hisaduall providence, where- by he dothmolt perfectly take actuall knowledge of, and remember all things whatfoever, even every thought,word, and deed, of every man. Hereof fee Pfal.139. i, z, 3.0 Lord thouhaft fe-arched me, and known me; Thou knoweft mydown fitting, and mine uprifing, thou underhandeftnay thought a farre off, &c, and Pfalm 56. S. Thou telleít my wanderings, put thou my tears into thy bottle: are theynot in thybook? and according to this he will judge theworld, Rev. 20e 12. I law the dead both (mall and great, hand be- foreGod; and thebooks were opened., and another book was.