Verf.6. As Expofitiongibe 87. Pfalme. 2 wasopened, which is theboohpflife, and thedeadWerejrrdg ed, out ofthofe things, which Were Written in thebooks, ac- cording to theirWork!. . The third is thebook of life;which is Gods eternall pur- pofe, for the Paving ofhis elec`f by Chrift, ac`ually declared by their effec`fuall calling, or regeneration,by the holyghof}, in this life, in which effate they are referved and kept for glory. Thisbook may be Paid to be twice written in: Firfi;,from all eternity in Godspurpofe, whereoffee, Rev. i 3.8. whole names are not written,in the book of life of the Lamb,flain from the foundationof the world. Secondly,;aftually in Gods workofeffec}uall calling,or regeneration,in the time ofnaturall life, which is termed Gods calling according to purpofe, Rom. 8.28. And indeed, of this latter writing in the book of life, by regeneration or effe tuall calling, is this place tobeunderftood. As ifhe fhould have Paid, That the Church hath great honour,and the true members ofit great happinefl'e, is hereby apparent, that when God writes up thepeople af1ually in thebook of life, that be is, he reckons thofe for his, that be regenerate, and born again in his Church. In thewords thus underftood note two things; Firff, Gods work offpeciall mercy to the true members of the Church : Secondly, the qualityand condition of thofe per- fons, to whom the forefaid work of mercy is certainly vouchfafed. For the fiat, Gods fpeciall workof mercy, to the true The firft ob=. membersof theChurch,is this,he aFíuallywrites their names fezv?tion 4n thebookoflife, and then reckons and accounts them to be his own. This is plainly (hewed in his golden chain,Rom.8. 19, 40, Whom he didforeknow, he -alfo did predeftinate, to be conformed to the image ofhisfon, that he might be thefirfi born, among many brethren. vVtoreover, whomhe didprede f inate, them he alfo called, andWhom he called, thembee alfo juftified ; andWhom hejuflified, them he alfoglorified. Qq 3 Vp©A