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124 AnEx?of tionofthe 87. Pfa4me. Verr. i. Vpon this effec`tuall calling he bids his Difciples rejoyce, that their names werewritten inheaven, Lake, 10. 20. and upon the goodeffefts and figns ofeffeétuall calling, he faith ofcertain teachers, that were zealousof Gods glory, in the Church of Philippi, that their names were in the book of life, Phil. 4. 3 The reafonhereof may be twowayes confidered. The firft Firft, of the fart it felf in God, writing mens names in the bookof life ; and that is only (;odsgood pleafure. Ac- cording as he hathchofen us in him, before thebeginning of the world, that we fhould be holy, and without blame, be- forehim in love. Having predeftinated us unto the adopti- onof children, by Jefus Chrift, to himfelf,according to the good pleafure ofhis will, Eph. i. 4, 5. I thank thee O Fa- ther, Lord of heaven and earth, becaufe thouhaft revealed them unto babes ; even fo, father, for fo it feemed good in thy fight, Mar. z r. 25, 26. The fecund Secondly, of this manner ofexprefiing Gods fpeciall fa- Reafon. vour,in effeftuall calling;faying,it is his writing their names in the bookof life. For thus he fpeaketh ; partly, for his own fake, tomanifeft the itableneffe of his counfell , and purpofe, for their falvation ; for in Gods divine wifdome and good pleafure, it is as fure and firm, as if their names were reallywritten in a book : partlyalfo,for the true peace and comfort ofthofe, that be truly and effectually called ,. that theymay not doubt oftheir happy eftate, but in and by thisprong confolationofGods writing their names in thebookof life, encourage their hearts to perfeverance a- gainit all oppofitions, from the world, theflefh,and thede- vill ; as Rom. 8. 3 z, 35 , 3 8, 39. Who (hall lay any thing fa thecharge ofGods eleE :? &c. Theute for This ferves for initruhion, and for admonition. inßruaion. For inftruftion, fee here that the fineof the truemem- bers of Gods Church, is for Gods fpeciall favour and lifee- ternal!molt stableand firm : for God bath written their namesamongst his people in thebookof life, and acconnpts them forhis own. Now them that be thus his ownhe loves to fon.