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Vert. 6. dinExpofition of the 87. Pfalme. I25 to the end, `john 13. I. The giftsofgrace in this calling,are without repentance, Rom. i i. 29. This their eftate hath a fare foundation, heknoweth them tobe his, 2Tim. 2.19. This is to bemarked toarme our felves againf the uncom- fortable doctrine ofPapiíls and Arminians, that teach, the true Saints of Godmay fall from grace. For admonition, to give all diligence unto the aflierance The tire for ofthis eftate for our felves, which is St. 'Peters counfell, z admonition. Pet. 1. 5, 6, 7, I o, I I. where alto he íhewes the way, by adding grace to grace, and exprefling the truth thereof in obedience. Giving all diligence, adde toyour faith vertue, and to vertue knowledge, &c. And give diligence to make your callingand election faire ; for ifye do thefe things, ye shall never fall, &c. The fecondpoint tobenoted is, thequality and conditi- The fecond onof thofe parties,whomGod writes withhispeople in the obfervation. bookoflife, and fo reckons for his own ; They are borne there,that is,born again by regeneration in the true Church. See I Pet. I. 3, 4. Bleffed be the God and father of our Lord Jefas Chrifl, which according to his abundant mer- cy, bath begotten us again, unto a livelyhope, by the refer- reetion ofJefas Chrift from the dead. To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away,re- ferved in heaven for you. And 7aines I. 18. Of his own . will, begat heus, with the word oftruth,that we fhouldbe akindoffirft fruits ofhis creatures. The reafon isplain;for by effec uall calling,which is gill- TheReafonn, allywriting in thebookoffife, men are brought into fpiri- tuall fociety and fellowíhipwithGod in Christ, I Cora .9. whichneceffarily requires regeneration.For the ftate ofman in corrupt nature, is darkneffe under the power of Satan,. which can have no focietywith God, as 2 Cor. 6.14. 16. a john 1.6. Therefore it isfaid, they that are brought to the flare offonnes by faith, are born again. yob; a. I21 13. I yohn 5. I. This ferves for inpruaion, admonition, and comfort. The firli Life, For inkaradion twowales :. Firít, that mans particular aar &ion.