126 ' AnExpefitionofthe87. f P alme. Verf. 6. Efate in foule, for fruitionofGods Paving love, and favour in Chrif,may be known byordinary grace without extra- ordinary revelation. For whofoever is born again, is in that date, his name is a&uallÿ written in the book of life, as this text implies, Now, theffate of this new birth may be knownby faith, john 5.'. with 2 Cor. 13. 5. The feaond Secondly, fee here the great neceffity of the faithful' di- tlfe for in- fpenfation oftheword in the preaching ofit, unto mans iìrution. truehappineffe ; for without regeneration there is no falva- tion, ?ohn 3.3 , 5. Except a man be bornagain, he cannotfee the KingdomeofGod. And the wordpreached, is the means in which Godworks, as before, ram. i. 18. I Pet.'. 23. 2 5. Confider, that though God can convert without prea- ching, by his abfolute power, yet he is pleafed to work by this meanes. For, after that in the wifdome ofGod, the worldby wifdome knew not God, it pleafed Godby the foolifhneffe of preaching, to fave them,that believed,' Cor. I. 2I . as in the Eunuch, AEh 8.27. &c. and in Corn/ism, Xis Io. I. &c. The life for For admonition, this muff [ irre up every one, to give all 'admonition. diligence, toget into the orate of regeneration. It is indeed Godswork, but ordinarily by hisfpirit, in the mini[ 'cry of the word ; both the law, tobreak up the fallow ground , and the Gofpell, to caif in the feed ofgrace,as before,' Pet. I,23,z5,We''uttlaitherefore exercife our [elves in this word, andpray for theword ofthe fpirit, and fo to ufe there or- dinances, that we may have title to the work, and bleffing of the fpirit. Inwhich holy endeavour, breakingof the courfe of fin, andhungringand thirfting after grace, wee mu,fc continue, till we find our felves renewed, and our felves borne a- gain. The tire for Forcomfort, to thofe that find and feel thisbleffedwork comfort, of the newbirth ; for, bleffed are they, this work fhewes their names arewritten in heaven, and they are kept by the power ofGod, through faith unto falvation. Let us look well therefore unto both partsof it, a$ well in the mortif- - rm ,g+. YInPf.+l