Verf. 7. An Expoftsonofthe87.*lme. x17 cationof corruption, as in the repaire and renewing of Gods Image, and then we cannot want the comfort of af- furance, to have our names written in the booke of life. Verfe 7. As *ell thefingers, as theplayers on infiruments, 1hall be there : all my"primp are in thee. 7 N thefe words the Prophet concludes the Pfalm, with The matting twomoll comfortablepriviledges, and prerogatives of of the words. the Church ; firff, that it is the only place for true delight andpleafure ; fecondly, that it is the well headofall hea- venlyand fpirituall bleflings. The first he expreífeth in a Metonymie of the efficient , naming fingersand players on inftruments, which were fpe- ciall agents, in thecheerfull praifing of God, under David and Solomon, and in the fucceeding times of legali fervice; as we may fee, for Davidstime, r Chron. 9. 33. and 25. r, 2, 3. Whichvocali mufick did prefigure the joyof the holy Ghoft, under thegofpell ; and fo fhewethplainly, That, the Churchof God under the gofpell, for the true The fìrlob, members of it, is theonly placefor true fpirituall joy and fervation. rejoycing for evermore. So it is prophecied,1f.35.10. The ranfomedof theLord fhall return andcome toZion Withfongs, and everlaftingjoy upon their heads ; they 'hall obtaine joy andgladnefe,andforrow andfighing 'hallflee away. Andthey fhall call thee, theCity of the Lord, the Sion ofthe ¿holy one of Ifrael. Whereas thou haft beenforfikenandhated, fo that no manwent thorow thee, IWill make thee an eternall excellen- cy, ajoy ofmanygenerations. The Lord (hallbe thine ever- lafling light, and thedayes ofthy mourning shall be ended,IC 6o. 14, 15, 20. Foryourshame yeshall have double,.andfor confusion they(ball rejoyce in theirportion : therefore in their land they (hall polefe the double ; everlaftingjoy(hallbe un- to them, If. 61.7. See it alluredby Chrift himfelf, John i6. 2:', 22. Teshall beforrowfnll, butyourforrow shall be tur- ned into joy, your heart ¡hallrejoice, andyourjoy no man ta- R r ketly