I y$ dlnExpefatiofr of the 87. Pfalme. Verf.7 kethfromyou. And verified inChrifians, A5 s 2. 4o. 47. They continuingdaily With one accord, in the Temple , 4714 ,breaking bread, fromhoufe to houfe, did eat their meat, Wit,; gladnefje andfinglenefj'eofheart, praifing Cod, andhavingfa- your With all the people, Acts 5.41. They departed, from the ,,prefence'oftheCouncell,rejoycing that they were counted wor- thy, tofuller fbamefor his name. As 'Rat. T. 8. Believing, ye-rejoyce withjoy unfpeakable, and fill ofglory, r Theff 5. r °i 6. Rejoyçeeiiermore. And, rejoyce intthe Lord-alivayis; a- ,r±-yos : 6 :gain, Ifay, rejoice, I - hit. 4. 4. The trueground hereof, is from the incomparable blef- fingsof the covenant, vouchfafed to the true members ofhis Church. The lira rea- For firl},in Chrift jefus, God hirnfelfdoth betroath than fon. unto him;'yea marry them and become their moil: dear, and lovinghusband ; as Hoî. 2. 19, 20. If. c4. 5. Now times ofefpoufáll are times of rejoycing. Let to be glad, and re- joyce, andg v,e honour tohim, for the marriage ofthe Lamb is come,. R v. 19.7. Withgladneffeandrejoycing fhall they be brought f;;;the) Jhall enttir into the Kings. :Wallace, l2fal.45. 5 We ì» llbeglad, viandrejoyce in thee, We Will remember 'thy love, more then.Vittit,t faith the Church to Chriff,Cant, .4. Secondly, he clothfit them for his neerfpirituali fociety, Reafu7te fccond by givinghis own fon, to be their Saviour and Redeemer , n. waibing away their .fins in his blood, .i Cor. i. 3o. He is made unto to ofGod wifdame, righteoufneffe, fanflifcation, and redemption, E phef. 5. 25. 26. Chrifl gave himfelf for hOChurch;.that hemightfanatfle, andcleanfe it, andmake it tohimfel faglorious Churclà; .'.c. Now the remembrance hstr óf is tatter ofexceedinggreat joy, Luke 2.1o. There- fore the bleffed Virgin ciWary faith, Myfoule dothmagniie ..the Lord, andmyfpirit bath rejoyced in Godmyfaviour,Luke .Thir4ii,hiheitowetti on them is holy fpirit,John14.IE, 147.: for 14zhofoever bathnot the iirir ofGod, is none of his, ..349. Now this fpirit isthefountain ofjoy, and there- upon