Verf7. AnExpofition of the 87 . Pfalme. believeth on me, et,s the Scripturebathfiaid ; out ofhisbelly .hallflow rivers of livingn'at ers. Thisfpake he of thefpirit, Which they that believe on himfhouldreceive, John 7.3 x,18, 39. Whofoever drinketh ofthewater, that Ifhallgive him, 'hall never third, but thewater, that IJhall five him, (hall be inhima Well ofwater fpringing up into everlafing life, John 4. 14. The fecond fpringofbleffings in the Church,is the Evan- z. The bvan- gelicall miniftry, even thegofpell preached, and Sacraments gelicall Mini adí uiniflred, fanc4ified by prayer for the blelling of the Y. fpirit. Hereofthe Lord faith, Afountain 'hall come forth out ofthehoule ofthe Lord,and /hall water the valleyofShit- tim, 7oel 3. i 8. And to thefame end ferves the vifion of waters coming from under the door threfhold of the fan_ teary, Ezek. 47.1.&c. both which maybe well expounded by, I/: 2. 3. for out of Sionball go forth the law, and the wordofthe Lordfrom erufalem. Now this derived well- fpring, ofthe Evangelicallminiflry, feiveth inftrumentally in the Church. Firít, for wafhingand cleanfing the foule, from the filth of finne. Therefore hath God ordained Baptifine, to re- prefent our fpirituall wafhing in Chrifis blood, by the holy ghoft ; whereofalto with the word it becomes a gracious inf}rument,when this free fpirit pleafeth, yohn3.8. The mind bloweth, where it li/leth. So is every one that ishorn of the .irit.Not by works of righteoufneffe,which we have done, but according to his mercy, he faved us, by the wafhing of regeneration, and renewing oftheholy Ghoft, Tit. 3. 5. That he mightfan$ifie,andcleanfe it,Wsth the wafhingofWa- ter, by theWord. Secondly, for making the heart fruitful! in grace. There- fore is thegofpell called the workofhis grace, Acils 20.32. and is faid tobring forth fruit, Co / o f . r . 6. Thirdly, for miniftring fpirituall joy and refrefhing to the foule ; therefore is the whole 1- vangelicall mini,fIrycal- led theminiffry ofthe fpirit, which is the Comforter,2 Cor. 3. becaufe it worketh therewi;h, i Cor. 3. 5, and is gi- ven 133