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134 An Expafitionofthe87. Pfalme. Verf. 7. ven therein, Gal. 3.2. And we through patience, and com- fort of the Scripture, havehope, Rom. i 5.4. Gods words to ?eremie were the joy and rejoycing ofhis heart, Per. 15. I 6. David rejoyced therein, as one that findeth a great fpoyle. And the Lords Supper is the Peale ofour redempti- on and falvation in Chrift,the tydings whereof is exceeding great joy, Luse 2. 1 O. Now, all there fountains are in the C hurch and nowhere 'elfe. The world is without the true God by covenant of grace, Eph. 2. 12. and fo hath nothingbut dry pits, and ciflernsthat hold no water ; as Ter. 2. 13. And the Evan- gelicall miniftry is not out of the Church;for when it comes among the heathen, it is Gods merciful! vititation to take out of them a people forhis name, Arts z 5.14. See Pfalm 147, 19, 2c. He fhewethhis word unto ?acob, his flatutes andhisjudgements unto Ifrael, Hehath not dealt fo with a- ny nation, and as for hisjudgements they have not known them. The Reafon. The reafonhereof is Gods own good pleafure;as ofmeet grace and favour, choofng them in Chrift, and accepting them into covenant, fo vonchfafing the participation of there fpirituall fprings, and fountains of heavenly Wettings unto them, that hereby they may be fit tic!, for fociety and fellowfhipwith him, and become fuch as he may take de- light and pleafure in. See Ez,ek. 16. 8. &c. when I pared by thee, and looked upon thee, Behold, thy time was the time of love,andIfjtiread my skirt over thee andcovertd thy naked- nefe : yea, Ifware unto thee and entred intoa covenant With thee, faith theLord Cjod,and thou becameft mine.Then wafhed I thee Withwater, &c. IfIWafb thee not, thou haft nopart in me, Iohn 13.8. This ferves for inftruaion, admonition, and comfort. Thefirilüie For inf{rucîion twowayes : Fir,fi, hencewill plainly fat-, fur inftru- tow, that out of the Church there is no falvation for thefe &ion. firings are thewells of falvation, If. 12. 3. and the text faith, they are all in the Church,which Is plain by indutïon. They, that areout of the Church, are without Chris, and without