Verf.7. d»Expofitioxofthe 87. Pfalrae. without God in theworld,Eph.a. I2. And with himonly in Chrift, is the Well oflife,Pfal. 36.9. He, that bathnot the Jenne, bathnot life. I John 5. I 2. And wanting Chrift, they cannot have the fpirit, yohn 14. 17. and focannot be fanaified, norPaved. Secondly, feehere the furpaffing excellency and happi- The fecond neffeof the Church, above all other,ftates of people in the ufe for in- world. The Church is as thegarden ofEden, wherein is a ífruftion. pureriver of the waterof life, and the tree of life, Rev. 22. I, 2. whereas the reft ofthe world is as a barren wilder_ nefhe, ver. 17. 6, 8. The Church is like theheritage of ?a- cob,bleffed of God,and the reit ofthe world,like theMoun- tains ofEfau, which God hath curfed,Mal. 1.2,3,4. The Churchis the Fathershoule, where every fervant bath meat enough , the refs of the world is like the Citizens fields, where husks withhogs are theheft provifion, Luke 15. 16, 17. The true Church is like the land of Canaan, flowing withmilk and honey, that drinketh water of the rainof heaven : a land which the Lord himfelfcareth for: the eyes ofthe Lordarealwayes upon it, the reft of theworld is as theland ofEgypt, which men water with their feet, Dent. II. I0,11,I2. For admonition, it ferves two wayes. Firft to naturali The fira life men, to ftirre them up toconfider ferioufly of thefeprivi- for 2dmo- ledges of theChurch, tohave all Gods fprings in her, that niúon fo they maybe affected towards her, as Davidwas, ?fat. 84. t,2. How amiable are thy Tabernacles, O Lordofhoafls. y foule longeth, yea even fainteth for the Courts ofthe Lord : my heart, andmy flesh cryeth out for the livingGod, Pfal. 42. I, 2. As theHartpantethafter thewater brookes, fopanteth myfoule after thee, OGod. My foule thirtiethfor god,for the living god : whenfhall 1 comeandappeare bea fore God? Pfal. 63. I OGod, thou art my God, earlywillI feek,thee: myfoule thir fleth for thee, myflefh longethfor thee, in adry andthirfly land, Where no water is. Pfal. 122. z. I was glad when they faidunto me : Let usgo into thehoufe ifthe Lord. Tea ofSampfons mind, Judg. is. 18, 19. cry- S f ing 135