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136 Ara Expofitionof the 87. Pfalme. Vert.,. ing out after thefe fprings, as for the meanes of fpirituall and eternal! life. The f:cond Secondly, toall that profeffe themfelves tobemembers life for ad- of theChurch, that they labour to give evidenceof their monition. participationof thefe fprings of ;od in his Church, which they (hall do three wayes. lira, by the abolifhingofcorruption in regard ofdomi- nion : being purged from finne, and from uncleanneffe, by thebloud ofChrift : as theCorinthians were after their cf- feCtuall calling. I Cor. 6. I i. Suchwerefomeof you : but yeare n'afbed, but ye arefantlified, but yearejuffified, inthe nameof the Lord le», and by thefj:irit ofour God. Secondly, by becoming fruitful! ingrace, and plentiful! in good works,by theblefling ofthe fpirit,fancîifying the mi- nißeryof the word, as St. Paul teftifyethof the Churches, I Cor. I . 5, 7. In every thingye are inriched byhim, in all utterance, and in all k wwledge. So that ye come behind in nogift, Phil. 1. t :. Beingfilled With thefruits ofrighteouf- nefe, which areby ?efus Chrifi, unto the glory andpraife of God, Colot. 1. 6. 1 Which (fpeaking ofthe Gofpell) is come untoyou,as it is in all the world,and bringethforthfruit as it doth alto inyou. That ye might walk..Worthyofthe Lord, unto all pleating, being fruitful/in every goodwork; anden- creafing in the knowledge ofGod.Andas the Lord forefhew- ed inthe vifionofwaters, Ezell; 47. 1, &c. Thirdly, by joyful! and cheerfull going on in their holy profefiion : as the Apode cornmandeth, Phil 4.4. Rejoyce in the LordalWay : and again, Ifay, rejoyce. For we are the circumcifon, which Worfhip god in the Spirit, and rejoyce in Chriß 7efus, Phil. 3. 3. The üfe for For comfort, this makes greatly to the truemembers of comfort. the Church, in the-forefl diflrefhes that can befall them. Firíit, dóth the fenfe ofcorruption, and guilt of tranf- greflion make thee ugly in thine owne fight ? roe to the clenfing fountain, and fpringof Chrifts blond, and with the hand of faith wafh andcleanfe thy finfull foule, and pray the Lord to wafh thee throughly,as Daviddid,Pfalns s i.