An£xpofitionofthe87. Pialose. VerC 7. 5 i . 2. wherewith ifthou joyn upright endeavour after rep formation in praéife,thoumaid reft affured,that theblood ofjefus Christ (ball clenfe thee from allthy finnes, t jam 17)9. Secondly, doth the barrenncffeof thine heart,in the want ofgrace, make thee afraid ? Then get thee to the fanetify.. ing fountain of Gods holy fpirit, which is the fpirit of grace : beggofGod the good fruits of this fpirit, in love, joy, peace, long-fuffering, faith, &c. Remember who made Aarons rodd tobudd, Numb. 17. Q, 8. andwhocan . raife upchildrenunto Abrahamoftones? as tYtat. 3. whom all things are pofíìble, Mat. 19.36. and nothing is too hard, Jer. 3 2.27. Laftly, doth heavineffe and deadneífe ofheart oppreffc thee?Then get thee to the comforter,even to God inChrift byhisholy fpirit : who is theGod ofhopethat can fill thee with all joy in believing, Rom. I5. 13. 137 FINIS,.