e4,46,.46c4641<. i^-e.46,4kf.kc cc:c36;c: e0,a K. a ,k9_3Mi ATable offorne fpeciall matters, contained in there Expofitions of the 27.84.8$. and 87.PSALMES. The fart number hob reference to the Pfalme, the fttond to the Page. 4. rAbraham, H Ow the Sonnes of Abrahammay be known. 85. z6. Affiiffion. How to be fo prepared for afflietions, as that we may glorifie God under them. 2.7 42,43- How the godly may comfort themfelves in afflitons. 2.7.47. All affiletion comes by divine difpenfa- tion. 85. 36. The difference between Gods children and naturali menunder affli&ion. 85. 41: 44- Anger. Anger what it is : how and whyafcribed unto God in Scripture. 85. 18, 19. Speciali means to turn away Gods anger. 85. a ,z3. Gods anger may continue long towards his own people,and %%4137.85.37,38,39. Anointed, All true believersare Gods anointed. 84. 67, 6g. What we mutt do that we may be of the number of Gods anointedones. 84. 68, 69. An[mer. ill by God Both fometimes denyto give gracious anfwers to the prayers of his fervants. 2.7, 56. Whatwe mutt dothat we maybe ena- bled to to wait and lifien for a gracious anfwer whenwe have prayed. 85. 6.. 61. What is required of men that they may walk worthy ofthe Lord,and labour in force meafure to anfwer his bounty. 85.92. .Apofta4ie. They that end in Apof}afre began in hy- pocrilie,or at leaf+ had onlyan humane acquired faith. 27. 89, 9o, eAfrembly. Chrif+ian Aflèmblies for Evangelica'rl worfhip are lovely places. 84, 15. B. Behave. F{pw Gods children mutt behave themfelves,when he hides his face from them. 27.73. Mens behaviour and carriage towards their brethren will difcover and ma- nifefl their etfate and condition before God. 85.89. Blefng. The right way to partakeof the bell bief_. tin gs. 17. 129, 130. What it is to be bleffed. 84. 36. The difference between Gods children and naturall men , in the fruition of temporal+ bieffings. 85. 48. T t auou.