B. C. A 7a Thoughmaity times theywant the po(fef- fions , yet the right of all Gods bief, fangs, belongs to them thug are in Chrit+. 85. 90. They that live in finne and want faith, have nopartin the bell bleßîngs, have flarved fouls, though in pamperedand well clad bodies. 85. 9a. There is (mall hope of Gods biefling to accompany the devils getting. 85. 92. The earthlyblefrings of Godsprovidence are attendants on the heavenly blef- fings ofhis grace. 85. 93 Book. God bath three Books,and what they are. 87. ELL. &le. C. The infeparable property of Gods true Church,is,thatit is holy and fanaifid. 87.82. Prophane and wicked perlons are no true and lively members of the Church.87. 8s,83. God lores his Church above all other flutes and conditions of men in the world whatfoever. 87. 8 5. The greatneffe of Gods love to his Church feen in three things. 87. 86, 87, 88, 89, 9o. How toknow the true Church, and how tobecome true members ofit. 87.93. The true Churchof God is his own city. 87.95. Gods Church is as Noahs Ark, unto whichall mull come , that look to be favrd from the deluge of damnation. 87.96. What the way into Chrifîs Church is. ihid. Why God doth mention glorious things, to belong to his Church. 87. 98, 99. The outward fiate of Gods Church in this world , is many times not onely meanbut miferable. 8 T 99. Thehappinefl'e of GodsChurch and chil- dren , mutt be meafured by their pre- fent title to Gods favour in Chrift, and their certain title to future glory. ibidem. Gods Church is Gods kingdom , into whichman in the corrupt fiate of na- ture cannot enter , as heir to inherit. 87. 107. By what titles Gods Church:is his , more then any other people in the world. C. Calling. HOw men mutt wait upon the Go- (pal preached,for an holy calling. 87. too. Effefìuall calling is attually writing in the bookof life. 87. 125. Captivitie. What fins brought the Captivity. 85.10. Cen[ure. We that fha11 refute lubjeftion to the cen- lure of the Church, muff be call out as an heathen. 8g. t o I. Charmer. Conjurers charmes are prayers to the de- vill. 85. s8. Church. What wonderfull bleffings are certainly enjoyed in Gods houfe his Church, and no whereelfe. 27. 25, 26, 27. In the vifible Church , hypocrites may have a place for outward woríhip. 84. to. Gods Church on earth is fitly compared to the Moon, and why. 85. 34. Gods true Church feeking Gods falva- tionpleads mercynot merit. 85. 56. The true Church is a fpirituall building of Gods own founding and making. =.7.79 87. 12o. The Churchof God is the onely place for fpirituall joy. 87.12.7. What incomparable bleflingsGodvouch- fafeth to his Church , which makes it theplace for fpirituall joy. 8 7. i x$,129. Out ofthe Church no talvatiou,andwhy. 87.