87. 134, IS f The Church of God is furpa«ag excel- lent and happy , above all other Elates ofpeoplein the world. 87. 135. Con:fo t. True courage and comfort in evil! times is the Lords gift. 27.9. The right way to found comfort and true patience in any diftreffe or bodily mi- fery. 84. 44. 45. Contempt. Gods people fometimes are in great con- tempt; and why. 8 5. 74. Conz;erfsou. No mans converfion is to be defpaired D E. Counteiance. WeMould labour in our coüiitenaseeè to expretfe truly the a$e&ions of our hearts. 84. 64, 65. Courage. The way to get fpirttuall courage. 17. 14k, 14z. Courts. Gods Courts are the place of his folemn worfhip here onearth. 84.7 0. D. Delay. WHy God fometimes ufeth long de- layes in anfwering the prayers of his children. 84. 58. 'z eliverance. Deliverance by unlawful! meanes is not of God, but the devil!. 85. 58. Sinne is a deadly difeafe in the foul, to which turning back is a fpirituall re- lapfe more dangerous thena corporali- 8 5.68. Difjileadure. The fenfe bf Gods dilpleafure in a /late of mifery , is to Godspeople asa Rate of death, andwhy. 8 5. 42., 43. Doubling. Doubling requells inprayer , íhewes fer' vency and earneftneffe for audience. 84. 57. Dwell What it is to dwell in Gods bode. 27: 24, 3z Three things required of them that would dwell in Gods houfe. 2.7.29. Gods publike dwelling places are theho- ly afíemblies of mininers and people in holyworfhip. 84.13. E. Egyptian. DIPY Egyptian bondage was figured the fervitude offin, towhich there until beno returning back. E 5.68. Ezemies. Gods dehreû children map be in the of What hey muff do that with and wait for the converfion ofrebels. 87. /13, I14. Multitude of converts is an evidence of Gods fpeciall favour. 87. 126. Corruption. Naturall corruption judgeth many of Godswayes unequall. s7. 98. The terrour that corruptioncaufeth in the godly, may eafilyman ifeft how terri- ble the tyranny ofit isin naturali men. z7. 108. How to know where corruption bears do.. minion. 2.7. io8, ' 09, 120. Corruption of nature in the heart be- wrays its dominion in naturali men by their ordinary praftife of finne in life. 27. 12.2., 121. Originall corruption is in Gods people in a different manner and meafure, ac- cording to their eftate before God. 85. 13, t4. Original! corruption is not quite taken a- way by baptifme. 85. 14. Covenant. They that Rand rightly in covenant with God are in an happy eftate. 27.4. Bow to get into Covenant with God.