r E. F. 11 F. G. hind of their enemies. t7.114.. Wicked men are thegreatef} enemies to the welfare of any. elate Church, Commonwealth or family. 85. 39. 13y what finnes in a 1p cia11 m:;nner men ffand in enmity a ,ainfi Chrift. 85.97, 98- Gods power is such, that he cannot onely confound, but f venconvert the great- efi enemiesofhis Church. 87. a a s. En.rtre. What benefits come by enqùiring of God. 27. 36. The Church of the new Tefiament is not inferiour to the Church of the ] ewes, but preferred before it, for manes to enquire ofGod. z 7. 37, 3s, Example. [t is a dangerous thing to negle t good example. 17. 5z. Experience. Experience of Gods help in former evils is a ground ofprayer forprefent favour in renewed troubles. 27. 79. Extremitie. Mans extremity is Gods oportunity. zr. 78. F. Fairj. FAith is profitable for all things. z7. r 132. True faith is never fevered from true re- pentanceand new obedience. 27.133. What faith is. 2.7. 141. The difference between acquired and in- fufed faith. 87. a09. Favour. Gods fpeciall favour molt not be meafu- red byoutward things. 84. z6. Gods favour is highly to be efteemed ; 84. 65. Nam obtainGods favour. ibidem. Fear. That the godlies fear comes frem the weaisneie of their faith. s z. S. Servile feat was not in. Ahn, , till hié finned againfi God. 27. za. What they inuf do that delire to be freed from fear and endued with confidence, 27. 2.1. Guilt of finne b rings fearfulneffe. 17, t4a Salvation is far fvom them that want the fear of God. 85. 7 t. The marks of them that truly fear God. ibirem. How to get the fear of God. 85.-1,7z. Fervency. Fervency makes much to the efiicacie of delires. 84. 24. Folly. Sinne is folly and why. 85. a. Foundation. When we are fquared and fitted as living Dones to lye upon C brill as our fowl.: dation. 87. 81. Fountain. God_ is a fountain of bicfïings to his Church, and why. 87. 232. Friends. The truefi friends to the peace and proms fperity of any place, as Kingdome, Townor family, are f uch as fear God, $5.75. Fruitfull. How we may be fruitfull to God for his falvation in Chrifi. 85.95. G. Gifts. Ood gifts from God both tempo rail and fpiritual accompanyhis fat. vation inChriD, and why. 85.89,9o. Glory. Wherein the ,great gloryof Gods people doth confìi. 85.74. What things move God to take away glory from a land. 85.75. Where true glory dwels, 85.77. Gadlinef e, 'Great gain in truegodlinefre. 27. 85: GNi. At y e ,tiL f e/&ale %ca