Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

P. A Taált. P. R. Niue. tgraces give title to true peace. 85. 63. ?he extent ofthat peace which God pro mifeth to his people. 85.64. Godspeace what it is. 8 5.8 I. ?erfelf. A perfe&heart is &teerned by an obedi- ent life. 27. I S. `Perjurie. Perjury puts upon God the perfon of the Devill. 85. 22. Perfecutioa. How tomake good ufe ofperfecution.27. IO2. Perfeverance Xlie true ground of the perfeverance of thegodly in theRate of grace is not in themfelves, but in and from the Lord, 2.7.Ioo.and 87. 109. Picnic. Piety gives evidence of being incovenant with God. 27. 85. place. How to judge rightly of difference of place in refpca of holtneffe. 84. 12. Plenty. great plentyloth attend true piety. 8 s. 93. Praife. Praifing God is not a thing indifferent, but a neceffary duty. 84.; S. `Prayer. Howprayeris prevalent withGod againft enemies. 27. I15, 116. What is to be done in times of danger betides prayingunto God for prefer va- tion. 37. 116,117. What difference there is both in judge- ment and pra&ice between the godly and the wicked about prayer in affli&i on. 85. i3. How we may be enabled to preffe upon God by our humble and earf prayers when he feemeth to opprefreui with his judgements. 85. 53,54: Negle& of prayer is the brand of theift,and liable toa grievouscurfe.8ç 101. Popery. Popf'ry is a falfe faith ; amongfl Gode people in comparifou of true religiem as the worfhip of the golden calves. Its the impiety ofPopery to fet upother Saviours then the true God. 85. 26. Preaching. Preaching of the word is neceliary unto" mans truehappineffe. 87. i z6. `Prof4l'ion. ProfeIlion without prattice is nothing but hypocrite, 27.76. Promi/e. Promifes of temporali bleflïngs are to be underflood with exception of the crofl'e, 2,7.8,t7,13 ?. Prophancneße. Prophaneneffe among the profefTours of the true religion argueth a dead faith. 85.9. Prophane men deceive themfelves when they lay claim to be Gods people. 8s, 62. R. Regeneration. FAith and Regeneration do accompa- nyeach other. 87. 108. Regeneration is the proper fruit of the fpirit of Adoption. ibidem. What we snuft do to get and keep the fate ofregeneration. 87. i09, I lo, In the workofregeneration the riches of Gods love and mercy is feen. 87. I rs True regeneration container a total!l change both inmind, hearts and life. 87. 121. Repenttnce, What repentance is, aa. g