ft. S. LA Table. ?tçpining, Repining againfi Gods correel:ionconti- nued is a fruit of corruption. 85.47. Kejoyce. Godspecple delivered from affliction re- joyce in God, and how. 85, 47,48. .Rhetorick. The ufe of Rhetorick is lawfull, even in the difpenfation of Gods word , and fome competent knowledge therein neceffary, for the right interpretation of the fame. 27. tc7. Righteous. God is righteous even then whenhis dea- ling Teems muff firange to us : and how we maybring our hearts to be re- folved he is to. 85. 45,46 gods righteoufneffe what it is. 85. 8 t. S. Sacrifice. XHat fpirituall facrifices are. 84. 68. Saints. Gods people are his Saints, and how they come tobe fo. 85. 6c.62. San5fification. What randifrcation is. 27,141. Salvation, 'That God becomes our fpirituall and e- ternall falvation is known three wayes. 27. S. What we muff do that the Godof falva- tionmay become our God. 8 g.26, 27. Scripture. Scripture is the perfe6t regiifer of Gods revealedwill. 27.96. What a profitable and ctmfortable thing it is tobe much converfant in Scrip- ture. 87. 99, Seperare. What things tend to feperate between God and his people. 85. 8,9. Service. ht fervice of God is not an arbitrary matter. 27.64, s. Servant. To be Gods fervant is a good fiepe to; wards the attainment of Gods favour. 27. 74. The propertiesof good fervants. 27.76. All Gods lervants are in ordinary, not as retainers. 84. ;, 34. Shield, What we muff do that we may have God tobe our fhield.84. 6 t. Sinne.. Raigning finne and laying grace cannot iland together. 27.2 z. Raigning finne is fpiritivall leprofie. 27. 29. Sinnes dominion is for the fouls datnpa tion. 2.7. rob. Sinne is fuch a thing as God cannot en= dure, no, not in his own people. 85. 19. Soveraignty. Soveraignty in God ought to be the groundof inward fear and outward o- bedience tohim. 87. 119. Springs. What fpirituall 1pringsand fountáities óf bleflings are in the true Church and no whereelfe. x7.132,13.3. The Evangelical! Miniffery is a fpring of bleffrngs in the Church of God, and why. 87. 133. How men may give evidence of their participation of the fprings of God in his Church. 87. 136. Stabilitie. Whence the true Church of God in gene; rail, and every true member thereof in particular, have their liability. 84. 13. and 8780. The gate of every true member of Gods Church is for Gods fpecial!l favour and lifeeternail ntoff fiable and firme. 87; 109, 124. strength. HowGcdBoth ftrengthen, the heàtcs of lbis-