G. H. A able. T. Gooduefje. Thèy that have received good things from G od, mull be carefull to continue in Gods grodneffe. $5. 9z. Grace. Grace in the heart will difcover it felfe in the words of the mouth and the afti- onsof the life. 84. z;. Grace absolutely neceffary to the welfare of the foule. 84.48. Saving grace to the foi'le is a fupernatu- rall'gift of God, not in the power of manhimfelf to get ihidcm. Mansbeing in theflare of grace may be truly and certainly known. 87. io8, a z6. Guilt. How the child ofGod under the guilt of finne differeth from the unregenerate. s7. 9o. H. Hearing. To make them able and willing to bear the croffe is a gracious hea- ring to the prayer of the afflicted. z7. 56. Heart. God bath fpeciall regard tinto theheart a- , hove all the parts of man. 17. 67. There is tweet intercourfe betweene the Lord and an upright heart. z7. 69. Helper. Howwe may have the true God for our helper. 17.78. Hid. The agues of Gods favour may be hid fometimes fromGods dearefi fervants. z7. 8 a. ,Gods hidinghis face is a fign ofhis anger. 84.63. Holinefe. godsmeans for holineffe, and how they matt be ufed, 87. 84. How h lineffe matt be eRpreffed . dem. Hope. Hope of audience is that which opettettd the mouth of invocation, 84, zr, I 5acab. VHy God is called theGod of Jacob. 84. 58, 59. Idolatrie. Idolatry and impiety deprive apeople of this prerogative to have the true God to be the God of their falvation. 85. a6. Immutable. The true God is immutable, not only in his efence,but alto in his love towards his elect. 27. 79. Importunity. God is delighted withhis favants import tunities. 84. z;. Incarnation. What the main benefitsof Chrifls *near= nation are. 85. 98. Iniquity. Gods own people that are his by covenant have theiriniquities. 85.13. Inftrwnent, It pleafeth God tometimes t o afcribe the effcEt to the infiruneent, andwhy. 85. a5. 0 Affliftion from menhindereth not the fruition of fpirituall joy. 87. 13 r. Irre/iftible. The gracious work of Gods HolySpirit is irrefiftible. 87. 111,113. yudea. 5udea called Gods Land, and why. $ f. 6,7. ea 5ufiice. What way God makes for the latisfyiaj of his juflice in forgiving the iniquities ofhis people. 85.17.