K. L, M. L.' Table. N. O. P. Gods falvation. 85. 56. What Godsmercy is. 85.76. uk. Vocal! Mutick in the times of legali fei= vice did prefigure the joy of the Holy Ghoft under the Gofpell. 87. t17. N. Natural!. W r Herein thechild of God differs front naturallmen. 85. t5. Naturali men that cannot pray fowell as they fhould, mutt pray as they can,and get others topray for them. 85.32. Nature. The wifdome and will ofnature is to op.. pote the means ofconverfion. 85. 31. O. ObTinace, wi Hen men grow obflinate in fins God becomes refolute is punifhment. Kfowkdge. THat is required to fach a kniawledge of Godas may entitle us to his fo. kitty '8 7. 103. -L. Lead. \.Vi -Fart we thu{i do thatwe may be fuch as God will lead. 2,7. 101. Lithe. WhereGod ir the light ofgrace and com- fort to the ll'oules he will be the light of Boy and gladreie to the heart. 27.4 Hew it may appear that God is become the light of grace unto our foules. z7.5. The light of nature is but darkneffe in the wayesof God. 27.94. Lo<l . To look upon the miferies of others, is a !Weans to move companion towards them. 84.6.f. X14. Magiftrates, n A giflrates fhould Phew themfelves 1 towards the godly as thields.84 6I. Malice. I lalieee se hatred againfl the godly fhewes wicked men to be the children of the Devill. 27. 14. Meaner. Neglea ofthe ufe of the means of grace is,and willbe the condemnation of ma- ny. 2.7. 111,t12. Meet. Where mercy and truthdoe meet toge- ther. 85. 88. Members. Now to know who are true Members of cChrift. 85. 2.7. , N.ercy. Mercy and kindnelíe in God is the mo- vingcattle of bis flaying usboth tempo- rally and eternally. 85. 5 5. jhey that have no good title to Gods Percy, ¡anhave no good áfftupnce óf 85. 3 8. Operative. Gods graces and Wettings towards his children are operative in them towards their bitethren. 85. $9. Ordinances. The Ordinances of Religion inalituted b Chrifl inhis Church, and the obferva- vance thereof required both of Mini- fiersand people, are all moll juft anA righteous. 85. Ion. P. Pardon. wHen God path pardoned ,finite, fie doth not behold it. 17. Pardon of finne is the prerogative of Gods people above all others. 85. i7. Patience. Howwemay be enabled to give evidence of our faith in God bypatient bearing the tryall which his providence layette on us. 27. 101,103. Waiting on God is the holy aft or work of patience. 27. 136. The fure way toChritian patien.te. x.38.