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T. 1í Tab his children. 27. 144;145'. What we mull do that we may be fuch as whofe hearts God will flrengthen in evill times. 2.7. 146. What we mull do that we may be flrong in the Lord. 84.38. T. Tabernacle. ABrief view of the feverall parts of Gods Tabernacle, confidered with the feverall ends for which they wereordained. 84.10,1 t. Gods Tabernacle is the wooing place be_ tween Chrift and his Church. 84. 14. TheGofpell preached is to us Gods Ta- bernacle. 84. 5v. Teach. Who they are whom God will teach. i7. 96. Temporall. Oftemporall bleffings God many times gives a greater portion to the wicked then to hischildren. 2,7 u,9. Tcrrour. Terrour offoule to Guds children is but a temporary bitter preparative unto e- verlatiing glory. 87. 131. Thirft. Worldly thirfls thereare in many, godly thirft is rare to be found, and how it Will appear. 84.49. Time-fervers. Three forts of time- fervers. 84 34: Titles. Theholy titles whereby God is oiled in Scripture muff be underfoot! &made ufe of, both to terrifie from fine, and toencourage in faithand obedience. 15,59. Trouble. Why Gods children while they live here on earthare liable to many and great troubles. 27.40. Worldly troubles may haften us fooner to theKingdotne of he*ven:bat they can_ le. T. W. not deprive asof it. 27.66. In timesof trouble nothing can be better for us then to have the Lord for our íhield. 34.62. Truft. VVe may trufl to men as the means, but not as the foundation ofour help. ay. 88. Thofe that be truly godly truft not itì themfelves, but put ad their truft in the Lord. 27.100. They that truft in the Lord will not ufe unlawfull meanes to help themfelves out ofmifery, but will wait his leifure. $5.27. Trtnh. What Gods truth is. 85. 76. Turne. VVhy God loth bidmen turn, though of themfelvesthey cannot and why fuch commands are nut unjuff or vain. 85. 31` W. Wait. {r. BY waiting on Godwe are furely in? titled to fin;ular benefits. 2.7. 137. Want. Wantmay befall the godly,notas acurfe, but as acorreftion. 85.93. Way. Theway ofhelp is never (hut to thepray er t,f faith. 2.7.78. In Gods wayes there is fafety. 27.95. Worfhip. Neither dignity nor dittreffe fhould eïi-- empt men from the zealous pur(uit of Gods holy worfhip. 24. ;. Till we have hearts for Gods worthïp. uu