W: A ?'able. ire ltávê ne fouls fit for heaveñ: 84. i6. W. Wrath. /Hat ßinneseipecialiy provoke God to wrath.8 5. zo, zi, az. HOw to get zeal and fervency in prayer. 2.7. 58, 59 Zion. How God was Peen in Zion. 84, S5. Zion a type of the Church. 8q.. 56. ATableoffome placesofScripture explainedor vindicated in thefe Expofitionsof the x 7.84.85. and 87. Pfalmes. Pfal. Page. b3enefis. 2 I THeHoff ofHeavenand earth. . 84 6 5 heart mill continually. a7 68 40 zo Pharaoh lifted up shehead ofthe chief Butler. 8 7 zzs $',rod. zo 3 Before me. 27 6z zo 5 Vifittng iniquities offathers on children. 84 4 . ----z i 13, R 4 rakehimfrom mineAltar that he maydye. 24 39 1,3 z x Will not pardonyour tranfgrefon. St 16 =,F 4 Twélve Pillars. Twelve Tribes. '84 io Jolhua24 it 9 WiU niot forgive the tranfgrefon. 85 16 Judges z 16 3ud..;es which delivered them. 85 25 x Sam. z zz, 13 David feigned him/elfmad 2,7 zz .----27. 15 D d .f.thee begin toenquire forhim- 27 36. a, Sam. 6 17 D<iidJet the Arkin his place. 27 54 y King. 2 14 Where is she God ofElijah? 84 59 z. Chron. 7 14 Seekmy' face 27 63 Job 26 i.} Lo thefeare partsofhis waves. 27 93 ----a8 13 Wifdomenot intbe land oftbe living. z7 14 40 x. ChiefofGods wages. 27 93 Pfalm. to t6 Heathen perifbed. out ofGods land. 85 6 i8 28 Thonwilt light my candle. 37 3 18 48 F rom ¡he violent man. 27 t8 --i4 7 The Xing ofglorypall somein. 84 ,.% 25 19 Cruell,cr Hatred ofviolence. 2,7 120 35 25 Ahfo rcould we have it. y 17 107 37 9 They (hall inherit the earth. -- 27 137 z The tickedwatcheth the righteous. 2,7 29 37 8 3 Braufeofmyfoolifhneffe. 85 66 41 z Wilt not deliver him to the foul or will ofhis enemy. ---......e 2 I07 46 4 Though the earth be removed. S zio '---® 46 .5 god is in the midfl ofher. ` 27 43 e s 5 Root out of the landof the living. 27' 12.6 53 4 They eat up Godspeople 0 bread. . 2.7 13, rfáltu