30 An Expofitionofthe27. Palme. Veil'. 4 . Now in nature , every thing delires the happineffe of its kinde; fo farre forth, as the enlightning of theunderlland- ingcan direft, which beingmot} perfe& in Godschildren, they delire the fruitionofthe true God,who isthe fountain ofthe heft happineffe. This ferves for infruftion, and for admonition. The ore for For inftruaion, it _hews us plainly, whence it is, that the inftruftion. greateft number in the world,do fail of true fpirituall grace, and fo indeedof falvation it felf : fure it is not for want of delire ; for wicked Balaam would have his foul to dye the death of the righteous. Num. 23. 10. But it is becaufe, with defire in prayer , theydo not joyn feekingafter , and holy endeavour, in the diligent ufe ofother meanes, ordai- ned ofGod for the attaining hereof:For it fareswithmen, that live in the Church, for the bleffings ofgrace and falva- tion ,as it doth withmen in the world, for temporall blef fings : of whom Solomon faith, Prov. i;. 4. Thefoul ofthe fluggarddefireth , and loathnothing : why fo ? Becaufe he is a fluggard, and fevereth diligence from delire, as the oppo- fition (hews, in the end of the verfe : but thefoul of thedi- ligent(hall be madefat. But the idlefoul_ballfuffer hunger, Pov. 19. 15. And fo it is for fpirituall graces , which are the treafures ofwifedome, heavenly riches : as Chrift im- plieth, yohn 5.40. You Will not comeunto me,that you might have life: comparedwith (Math. I i. 28, 29. Come unto me, allye that labour, &mac. And St. Paul(hews it, Atts 13 46, 47. Seeingyou put it fromyou, &c. and Luke To. To, I I, I 2. Into Whatfoever city ye enter, and they receiveyou not,goyourways out into theflreets ofthefame,and fayy, Ed-- ven the very duff ofyour city , Which cleaveth on us o wipe ofagainflyou, &c. And it may be feen ìtß the foolifh Virgins. Matth. 25. 3, II, 12. and in the idle fervant, Matth. 25. 25 , &c. The ufe for For admonition : all that defire to have grace andg10- 41nonition. ry, muft here learn of 'David,with delire in prayer to joyn diligence, in the ufeoffurther means, ordained of God for theobtainingofthole bleflings. See Prov. 2.3, 4 Brie