A Table. Rextiñés Verf. Pfaini. Page ----- 7 23 Captivity to the Lateoffnne. ---. z7 98 12. z Fafhion notyour[elves ---- -- 84 68 69 z Corinthians 1 z 1 The world by wit-dome knewnot God - 2 7 31 ---° I l 2.2 Degiifeye the Churchof ? --- 27 55 2. Corinthians 4 i Aswehave received mercywefaint not. -- 8 5 8o 6 15 What concordbath c.hriff with t..hall ? z' 1 ag Gal. 4 27 The agolate hathmorechildren then, lyc. 87 116 Philip. z 1 *. Work outyour own fa?vation with,fearand trembltn . -- 27 227 4 3 Wholenames are in the boo'' of Itfe. 87 az4 I Timothy 4 16 thou (halt Pave thy [elf. 85 25 Hebrewes it 1 o e4 City whole builder and maker is God. 87 79 James r 15 Luff conceiving brin,eth forth fnne, z7 109,110 I Peter z 5 re alíò as livin flows are built up &c. _ 87 93 z Peter t 19 ZlntiU the day Star arife in ;ourhearts. 27 34 I John z 4 7 he truth is not inhim. 8 S 14 2. 19 They would have continuedwith cm 2.7 32' Revel. 7 9 Clothed smith white robes; ard-patmc.r in ibeir hinds. --- 87 89 23 8 Wholenames are not written in the bock oflife. - 87 123 2.0 1 Z. eland the bookes wereopened. i7 azz Material' faults efcaped inPrinting the Expofitions ofthe 27. 84, 85,and 87. Pfalmes. fit tobe amended before reading. XtíieEpifile to Sir Robert Harley page z. line :x.fir effeft,read affeti In the Expo- fitionofthe 17. `P[almep. 6. I. 5. forprayer r.pray 1.11 fr r.scs. p ;61,z1for recrea- tion r.correction.p. 6 t 1. 8.for[o r. [ow 1.7 afterevils r. as : Chron. 7. 13,14. Ihirdly, to the comfortable fruitionof all needful' good,1.1,6 after worfbip r.under the Gofpel, prophetically,p.66 1.z 3 for :o r. t op.68.1.7.for fcattered r.flattered,p.8o 1.3o for need r.deep.p.81 1 ; 4 for carnali r.corporall. p.81.1,6 for bedr. God.p. 871 laft r.theftrear . i 3 4 for head r. hand.p. 97.1.8. after humility rand meekreffe.Pia1.15. 9.the meek will he teachhis way.p to <.1. :8 for expofitionread oppofition p.107.1.3 after great rand for danger p.1 2.5.1. z . r.had not.p.1; t .1.3 r.profjerity.p 1;6. I. 9. for conference r. reference. t. 34.r. bathnot.p.14 z.1.z 4 r the `Prophet. hi the Expofitionofthe 84 Pfalm.p.171. 5.r. maintenance. p.37./. ;4 . r. whomwhufoever. p 4' .1.4. r.fhall notfee. In the épi ftle to Sir Robert Whitney. 1.4. r. Sir, In the Expofition ofthe 8 5 Palm.p. 4. l.; z.r.theLord, p.5.1.11. r. bleflïngs they have received from him though notwithstanding tho"e bid-- fangs they lye. p. z i.1.6. Dele brought back his peoplethat had. p.14.1.1. 3.r. this life.p. t7 L25. after diligence r. hereunto to become Gods people, that fo they may have title.p. 18.1.18. afteralfor. dtfcribeth thebledfedneffe of the man, untowhom God.!.lg.after 7. r.See Mat. 9.7. p. zo./.to. in the margin read to wrath. p. z 1.1.171. theft men p. z5.1. az. for Pal.r.verfe. 1.::. r. got not. p. 703. for ferve r. fear p.76.1. to. r. and thole. that follow.1 Ix. r. racione. plot ,'. z5.r. an eAtheift. In the Expofition of the 87. Yfatm. p 98. I , o.r. Hobab. p,1o8.1. t 8. r. afel{uaU. p.1 io.!. 21. forwrath r.watch p. 31 3r I.3 3.afterfor. r the converfionof Rebels. Full, they muff endeavour in. p. t 1 ¶ I. ;o. r. andrenown. p. 118.1.4 r. believe, 1.7. r,instant p.k z6.Ie1á.f,r Word r.werk. Lefler faults are left to the Readers ingenuity. FINIS.