Vert. 4. AnExpofitionoft!e 27. Pf4lrrme. criefl after knoWledge,and liftefi up thyvoicefor under(land- ing : If thoufcekefl her asflver, andfearcheflfor her , asfor hid treafures : ?hen shalt thou underfland thefear of the Lord, &c. There we feefeeking goes with crying: fo Mat. 7.7. Ask,, and it fhall be given you : feel¿,, andyee (hall finde, &c. The very heathen would fay , that fortune re- filled fluggifh prayers. And fee, ram. 4. 3. Teask, andre- ceive not, becaufeye askami f fe : not joyning endeavour With prayer. Confider 2 'Pet. I. 5,6,7, 8, 9, I O. Give all dili- gence, acide toyourfaith venue, &c. Adde 2 Pet.3. II, 12, 14. and fee, anfwerable hereunto, the endeavour of the godly : of St. Paul, I C'or. 9.26, 27. Phil. 3. 1o, I I, 12, 13. andof the Church of the Thefalonians , t Theft I.f, 7, 8. and ofEphefüs, Rev. 2. 2. and ofThyatira , Revel. 2. 19. The fecond thing , here expreffing Davids fincere affe- aion to the houfe ofGod , is the lengthof time,for which he defires to dwell therein : namely, all thedayes of his life. No Ihorter timewill fatisfie Davids foul , whilehe lives in theworld he would dwell in the houfe of theLord : and therefore in the thought and afíuiirance thereof, doth he fo much encourage himfelf. Pfal. 23.6. Surely goodnef fe and mercy f7allfolloW ine,all the dayes ofmy life : and1will dwell in the houfe ofthe Lord for ever. The reafon hereofis threefold. Firlf, for the fruition of the good things of Gods houfe, mentioned before, viz,. fpirituall fociety with God,and fromhim deliverance from all hurtfull evils, and partakingofall needful! bleffìngs, in direc`fíon, provifon , protec4ion , and remuneration : to which thefe mentioned in this verfe do belong, to behold the beauty ofthe Lord, &c. whereupon he efleemeda day in Gods courts, better then a thoufandelfewhere. 1 fal. 84. to. Secondly, forhis better opportunity to glorifie God , The fecond which thing his foul defired to do fo longas he lived : as Reafon feePfd. 63.4. Thus Will Iblefe thee , While J live. Pfal. 146.2. While I live,will Ipraife the Lord : Iwillfinsprdi- F 1s The third Obfervation. The firfì Rea fon.