TheGrit Reafon. n Expofitionof the 27. Pfalme. Verf.4. hiwtelechs fpeech feems to imply, abtat he had done it often. DidI then begin no enquireofGod fer him ? as ifhe (hould have faid , that'sa thing I have formerly done oftentimes for him. So Chapter 23. 2. David enquired of the Lord, about his going to fight againft thePhiliaims , that came againft Keilah : verf. 4. Againe he enquired of the Lord. This enquiry was thought to havebeenby the Prophet gad, who was with David, t Sam. 22. 5. and i Sam. z;. 9, I o. heenquired by Abiathar the Prief}, that was fled to him with the Ephod, as verf. 6. And i Saa i. 3 o.7,g. he enqui- red of the Lord , about the purfiiit ofthe Amalakites,that had burnt Ziklag. So before this time, 7udg.r.i. thepeo- ple asked the Lord,who (hall goup againft the Canaanites: and fudges 20. IS. they ask counfell of theLord, about go- ing up againft the Senjamites, and verf. 23. the fecond time, and verf. 27, 28. the third time, where the manner is ¡hewed : Adde Gen. 25.22. The reafon hereof is twofold : Firft, Gods ownordi- nance ; which is plainly let down , direeting his people to this dutie : See the promife of Gods prefence to give dire- &ion, Exod.25. 21, 22. whence the molt holy place is thought to be called 1+x-1, becaufe thence God fpake, and gave anfwer, whenhe was rightly fought unto, i Kings 6. 19, &c. And hereupon, Num. 27. 2r. 7ofhuah muff be be-. fore Eleazar the Prieft, who ¡hall ask counfell for him be- fore the Lord. Adde Deut. i7. 8, 9. Secondly, for the fruition of the benefits, and comforts ofthis priviledge, which areexceeding great. Fir(t , free- domefrom manifoldevils , that do accompany mens mif- carriages, that walk in their own counfels, and after their own conceits : as we may fee in the Ifraelites,making league with t. Gibeonites, the . were inhabitants in the land of Canaan, lofh 9. 14, &c. Secondly, of urance to be accep- table to God, and bleffed of him in the things they take in hand, even of this world. See, 2 Chron. 15. 2. Ifyefee, himbe will befound o fyou : and Verfe 15. theyfought him With their wholedefire, andhe wasfoundof them. Thirdly, undoubted The fecond Reafon. The benefits that come by enquiring of Cod.