Verf.4. AnExpoftion of the 27. Pfalme. undoubted fruitionof glory in the life tocome. See Pfal. 73.24. Thou 'halt guide me with thy counfell, and after- ward receive me toglory. See alto, Pfal. 24. 3, 4,5,6. Who fhall arcend into the bill ofthe Lord, &c. This is the genera- tion ofthem thatfeel; him : thatfeek thyface, O Jacob. This ferves for inflruc`1~ion, and for admonition. For inífrudion : fee plainly , that the true members of The ufe for Gods Church , are advanced in priviledge, dignity and ho- mífruaion. nour,above all other people: for with whom doth theLord fo deal, ingrace and favour , as with the true members of the Church ? What nation is great, whohath God fonigh unto them , as our God is, in all things that we call upon him for ? Deut. 4. 7. he bids, call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou fhalt glorifie me. Pfal. S o. t 5. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, andhis Bares areopen unto their cry. Pfal. 34. 15. The Lord is nighunto them,that are ofa brokenheart : andfavethfach, as be ofa contrite f iris. Verf. i 8. Obi. Ifany one fay, this indeed was the prerogativeof the Jews, that they wereGodspeculiar people, and chief treafure, and the Lord would be enquired of by them,above ail other people : but is it fo with the Church of the new teftament ? finkv. Though there may be force difference , . in the manner of Godsgiving anfwer : yet for fubftance and reall performance, theChurch of thenew Tefiament'is prefer- redbefore theJews , as wee frail fee in taking particular view oftheir meanes ofenquirie of God , in cafes ofdiffi- cultie, which were efpecially four. Firll , by Prophets : as 2 Kings 3. i i . Is therenot here a How the Prophet ofthe Lord,that we may enquire ofthe Lordby him? Jews enqui- and i Kings 22. 7. Secondly,by thehighPrieft : as Num. red of God. 27. 1. Thirdly, by the ordinary teachers of the Law, Mal. 2. 7. Fourthly, in prayer : Pfal. 50. 15. wherewith was joyned fafting, when they fought ofGod bleffings of im- portance this way : as Ezra 8. 21, 23. Now, theChurch of the newTe Lament , at this day, is not inferiour to the Church 37