3g An ExpofitionDfthe 27. Pfalme. Verf. 4. Church ofthe Jews : for they fometime wantedextraordi- nary Prophets : as Pfal. 74.. 9..And we do ever enjoy the àrituall pretence ofChrif efim , the great Prophet of the Church. Math. 28. 2o. For John Baptir was more thena Prophet, Matth. 11.9 andyet not worthy to a.nloofe Chrif s fbooe-latchet, John I. 27. He is likewife the great High - priefi ofour profeflion , who by his word and fpirit, in all needfull truth, revealeth his fathers will , more plainly and fully, then the HighPriefi didby Vrim and Thummim: Sce Heb. I.2. with 4. 14. We have agreat high Prieft over the houfeofGod, Heb. 8. 2. a Minifter of the Sar:Eluary andof the trueTabernacle : And for the written word, wherein Gods will is tobe found , the great encreafe of the facred Canon, by all the books ofthe newTefiament, thews our prerogative , that way above the Jews. And for acceffe and obtaining by prayer , with fatting, direction from the Lord, fee the promife, Luke 11. 9, T o, 11, 13. with 7ohn 16. 24, 26. and behold the fucceffe by inliance in Corneliau, AEh to. 2, 3, 30, &c. The ufe for For admonition, it ferveseffeetually to move every one, admonition. that lives in the Church, to look unto their fiate and car- riage; that it bee fuch, as may give them force good affu- rance, that tney have right to this priviledge °, to enquire in the t empie. To this end , wee mutt look to two things : Firfi , that we be in covenant with God , elfe wee have no right to this prerogative : as Ephef. 2. 12. the promife of audience is made to Gods people, 2 Chron 7. 14. Second- ly, that we keepcovenant, living in confcionable obedience, as P /al. 25.9, i c. elfe we forfeit our right, as wee may feeby Gods dealing with Saul, 1 Sam.28.6,16. andEzell 2,3, 30, 3t. But, ifwe keep covenant , we may claim our due ofGod, as `DavidBoth in this 27. Pfalm , verf. 7.9. alwayes remembring, that we walk in theLords high-way, to confult with him in his word : as Pfal.73.17. for there- inGod teacheth his children : as `Pfal.94.1 c,t 2. andTfal. 1 19.9899. And to call upon him by prayer:adding there- to the humiliation ofour fouls by fading, as Ezra 8.21,23. withAas 1 0,2,3,3 o,&c. Verf..