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`serf S. AnExpofition ofthe 27. Pfalme. and to abound , to _' efull , and to be empty. Philip. 4. 11; 12. Thirdly, to redeem the time, by labouring to profit, ac- cording to the means ofgrace, affordedunto us. Rph.5. 16. Fourthly, to become mercifull to thofe, that be inmife- gy : fo !hail we lay up in !lore a good foundation, for mer- cy toour felves, P 4t. I, &c. Matth. 5.7. ? 1m.2.13. Then, when afr iuion is come,we muff fet faith a work, by looking at Gods hand therein , as Chrift teachethMat. 10. 23, 29. which is the onely groundof true patience : as Pfal. 39.9. Alfo confider , what good it pleafeth God to to raife up to his children by afflictions : as Pfal. 94. 12. prat. I i 9.67, 7 i. adde 2 Cor. 4. 17, 18. The fecond thing to benoted here, is purpofely intended The fecond That when God !hall grant to David to dwell in his houfe, Obfervation. he Both affure himfelfof fpeciall fafety , and protection in times oftrouble : for that he meanes byhiding in his pavi- lion, and in the fecret of his tabernacle, and fetting upupon a rock, as we heard before : See, Pfal. 6i. 3, 4, 6, 7. Thou haft been aJhelterfor me , anda (trong tower from theenemy. Iwill abide in thy Tabernaclefor ever: Iwill truti in the co- vert ofthy wings Thou wilt prolong the Kings life : and his yeares as manygenerations. He shall abide before Clod for ever : O prepare mercy and truth which may preferve hirrv. The groundofthis afhiirance was God c own teflimony, The Reafon. for the continuance ofhisprefence in his Sanduary, and for the exercifeof his power and providence ; for their fafety, that be true membersofhis Church : See Pfal. 46. 5, 6, 7. Cod t- in themidft ofher, (i. e. hisChurch ) fheshall not bee moved : God¡hall help her,and that right early. The heathen raged, the kngdomes were moved he utteredhis voyce , the earth melted. The Lord ofl >o fts is With its : the Gadof Ja- cob is our refuge. Pfal. 48. 3, 8, 12, 13, i4. god is known inher palacesfor a refuge : AsWee have heard, fo have we feen in the City oftheLord of hogs , in the Cityof our God, God will etablifh itfor ever. walkabout Sion, andgo round 3 about 43