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Verf.5 . An Expofition of the 27. Pfalme. hellgat holdupon me : Ifound trouble , andforrow. ?-hen calledI upon the name ofthe Lord : O Lord, I befeech thee deliver myfOul. Thirdly, he madeconfcience ofa godly and upright life, and thereon grounds his affurance of fpeciall protection Pf l 4.3 . Know that the Lordbathfet apart him that is god- ly,for himfelf: the LordWill hear , when I call upon him,. Pfal. i S. i 7, 20. Hedeliveredmefrommy flrongenemy --- The Lord rewardedme according i o my riehteoufneffe , &c, Verf. 21,22,23. For Ihave kept the Wayes ofthe Lord, and havenot wickedly departedfrommy God. For all his judge- ments were before me : andIdidnot put away hisflatutes fromme. Iwas alto upright beforehim : and Ikept myfell frommine iniquity, &c. Pfal. 41. z. Thou upholdefl mein mine integrity, acrdfettefl mé before thyfacefor ever. This ferves for inftruc`fion, and for admonition, and for comfort. For infirudion : fee here withDavidthe true and right The tire for way of fafery in time of trouble. Get todwell in Gods infiru&ion. houle, and then Gods fpeciall providence (hall be over us : as the former teftimonies do plentifully teftifie. But here a doubt arifeth,where we í1a11 finde this houle, and how toget a place therein ? Anfw. In the daves of grace , and times of thenewTe Where to ltament, the Tabernacle ofGad is withmen, and he dwels h6nde Gods how to with them , they arehis people, and God himfelf(hall be o and with them, and be their God. Rev. 2 1. get 3 place therein. But is this common toall,as they are inen,oris there fome fpeciall work ofGod required in them, and among them, that be his houfe ? Anfw. 7ohn 6.44. Noman cancome tome, except the father, whichhath lent me, draw him, that is , givehim grace fo to do from above. Verf. 65. It is not ofhim that willeth, nor ofhim that runneth , but ofGod that fheweth mercy. Rom. 9. 16. Thofe, that believe on his name, are born not ofbloud,norof the wil of the fiefh,nor of the wil . ofman, but ofGod. john i. 13. For it is God, which worketh 45