Verf 5. AnExpofitienofthe 27. Pfitlme. 47 Theway is ; Firft, to leave, and breakoff the courfe of all known fume; for that prevents fociety with God : as 2 Cor. 14. 15, 16. and thereupon the exhortation is unto repentance, Chap. 7. r . Secondly, to labour for true faith in Chrift , for that joyns us unto Chrift to make us li- vingStones, to be built up a fpirituall houfe : as I Pet. 2.4, 5, 6, 7. for, Ephef. 3. z7. Chrigdwelleth in our hearts by faith. Thirdly, towalk innew obedience, performing eve- ry good duty, which the Lord requireth : as [filial/ 5 6. 3, q, 5, 6, 7. Let not theTonne oftheflranger, that bathjeyned himfelfto theLord, speakfaying, the Lord bath «tterly fe- paratedmefrom his people : neither let the Eunuchfay , be- hold, Iam a dry tree. For thusfaith the Lord, unto the Eu- nuches , that keep my Sabbaths , andchufe the things that pleafe me, and take holdof my covenant : Even unto them, Will Igive in mine haute, andwithin my Wailes aplace and a name, better thenofTonnes and daughters, &c. For comfort, thismakes greatly to all true believers , in The Ufe for times oftrouble : for certainly, they have right and title to comfOrt. this immunity ofGods houfe. Indeed, outward peace,eafe and plenty are but temporali blef ings, and the promife therofmuft be underflood with theexception ofthe crofíe, fo as God, for triall ofgrace, and correction forfnne, may exercife them in atflidions : as he did yob, andDavid : yet this is their comfort therein. Firft, that Godwill not fail How the them, nor forfake them, Heb. 13. 5, 6. and therefore they gomfor tthm= may boldly fay , The Lord is mine helper , I willnot fear What manfhall do unto me: as Pal. I . I He l f s of .i 9 5. /hall call fliftións, uponme, and Iwill anfwer him . IWilldeliver himin trou- ble, IWill be with him,and honour him. Secondly,that God will caufe their troubles to work for their good, as Rom.8. 28. Heb. I a. I O. Thirdly, Godwill give an ifíirewith the triall, that they may beable to bear it. I Car. I o. 13. H Verf. 6.