50 An .Expofitionofthe 27. Pfalme. Vera: 6. felt the truth, typified byDavid, may befall any fervant of God in this world : as Shrift reafoned Luke 23.3 i. If they do thefe things in a green tree , what (hall b,e done in the dry ? Matth. i o.25. If they have called theMatter of the houle Reekebub, howmuch more (hall they call them ofhis houihold. Theufe for For admonition, to beware of rafh judgement , as well admonition.gainft others, when they are compaffed about with adver- faries, as alfo againft our felves, when that evill doth befall G us.Corrupt nature meafures ods love byoutward things: and therefore thinks with the wicked , that when troubles encreafe, God forfaketh. pfal.7r. 12. But Gods wayes are not as mans waycs, Ifa. 55. 8. As many as he loves , he rebukes and chaftens, Rev. 3. 1.9. whom the Lord loveth he chafteneth, and fcourgeth every fonne whom he receiveth. And he ufeth the rods of men to corren his children : as, 2 Sara. 7. 14. pfal. 89. 31, 32. The life for For comfort , this makes greatly in oppofition by many comfort. and mighty in the world : for in David we may fee, that no ftrange thing befalleth us , but fuch as appertaineth to man , andGod will give the ifT_ie : as .y Cor. t o. 13. Let us fay,thefervant is not abovehis Lord. Matth, re. 24,25. Confider, that if their oppofitionbe for a good caule, wee have great caufe to rejoyce : for we are made conformable to Chrift ; and have fellowfhip with him inaffliátions. See z Pet. 4. 12, t 3. 2 Coe. 1. 7. The thing here expreffed by David is this, that God will now reflore him tocomfort , and ,advance him to ho- The fecond nour. Where we,rnaynote two things. Firft, that David Obfervation. knew, that the timeofcomfort and honour was at hand : for he faith, Now (hall mj head be liftedup. The Reafon. This he might do by fpeciall inftinc`l; , being a Prophet, for the fpirit of God fpake in him , andby him. 2 Sam. 23. t, 2. ;61,11, trt r It ferves for inftru&ion, and for admonition. 'rile ate for ,: For inftruftion : fee what God is ableto do for his chil- infîruftíón. ..then, he can not only bdtow joy andhonour, but acquaint them