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Verf:6. AnExpofitionofthe27. Pflme. themwith the particular time, when they (hall receive it. So God revealed ro Mofes thedeliveryofIfrael out ofthe bondageof Egypt, Exod. 3. 7, 8. and chap. I. I. For admonition, to labour to beefollowers of Tdvid, The Ufc for for upright hearts and obedient lives ; as Pfal. 18. in the ti= admonition. tle, he is oiled the fervant of the Lord ; and verle 21. hee faith, I have kept the wayes oftheLord, I real upright alto before him : and unto fuch it is that God reveales his fe- crets, Pfal. 25. 14. Prov. 3'. 3 z. Secondly,here note thephrafe in which Davidexprefi'eth The third his of iranceofhonour and comfort : my head'ball be lifted obíervation. up, wherein hee plainly makes himfelf a patient, afcribing both honour andcomfort unto God, Pfal. 23. r . &c. The Lard is my fhepheard, Ifhall not lackHe makethmee lye down ingreen?allures hee refloreth myfoule,. &c. to the end, Pfal. 18. 48. Thou liftefi- meup above thole that rife up againft me, verle 3 5. thy right handbath holden me up, and thygentlenefie bathmade megreat. See Pfal. '121. r, 2. with r Sam. r 8. 23. HeknewGods callingwould be the bell: íhelter, againft The Reafun. envy and oppofition, from which high places ,are feld-nmd free: as yeremic in his calling doth comfort himfelf,7e-.:r7 16. Asfor me, Ihave not hailedfrom beingapatour tofol- low thee. And foDavid comforts himfelf againft :Eliatbs reproach,for makingoffer to encounter withGoliah, r_: ami 17.29. I 7 din:, This ferves firft, for the reproof ofthe ambitious,that by fié" uri for any finif}er meanes will feek advancement : a common reproofe. finne in all ages , and a great evill in our times, moving many to oppreffion, bribery, and fundry other ungodly courfes. For admonii ion, to be followers ofDavid, in receiving The Ufe' for honour and dignity : walk uprightly in our places,tilhGod admonition. advance us ; be fire ofhiscalling, before.we . ll.irre, kit in time oftroubleour confciencesfay untous,.finit t vi hither ? See thedangerof tifurpation inthelewilh exorcils Aar iy. 13, 16. _11 H 3 . ?hee-