Vert.'. AnExpofitianofthe 27. Pfalme. liftingup holy hands unto God, without wrath or doubt- ing. I Tim. 2.8. Yet, where Chri,I hath faid, where two or three meet together in my name, that is , by warrant fromme,l am in the middle. Mat.t 8.20. and go teach--á I amwith you to the end of the world. Matth. 28. 20. therefore muff we frequent diligently , and reverently ufe Church affemblies. Confider, i Cor. i I. 22. def/i,"e ye the Churchof God ? That is, the place where Gods people come together for his fervice. Verf. 7. Hearme, O Lord, When I cry with my voice, have mercy allo upon me, and anfwer me. EreDavidbegins the fecond teílification of his true The meaning affiance in God , by humble and earne,{l prayer , and of the rmrds. fTpplication for fundry bleffings : whereof the firil isfor mercy in audience, and anfwer to his earneíl prayers , in this verfe. Wherein (the wordsbeing, plain) we may ob- ferve three things. Firlf, what David prayedfor : Second- ly, inwhat manner : thirdly , his elleemofGods audience tohis prayers. For the first , Davidprayes for audience and anfwer to The firmOb.t his prayers. Hear, O Lord , when Icry, andanfwer me. So fervation Pfal. 4. i . Hear me, when I call. Pfal. 5. 7, 2. Give ear to my wordshearken to thevoice of my cry. Pfal. 28. r. 'Un- to thee Will I cry, OLord, my rock, be not f lent tome left, ifthou be f lernt to me , I become like them that go down into thepit. Hear the voice ofmyfupplications, When I cryunto thee. Pfal. 6z. I. Rear mycry, O God, attendunto mypray- er : and Pfal 141. 1. Q_u. What needs this prayer for audience , feeing God hears every word that is fpoken ? Pfal.t 39.4. and it ishis property to hear prayer. Pfal. 65. 2. whereto hee hath boundhimfelfby promife. Pfal. 5o. i 5. (Matth. 7.7. . .4n[tin. The audience which Davidprayeth for; is;not the bare art of hearing, in taking notice of that hoe. Paid in prayer , for he knewwell that would never be wanting 1 in 55