66 An Expofctionof the 27. Pfalnae. Verf 8. the living God, and in Iefus Chrift their loving father,who will providefor them, not an earthly gojhes, as yofeph did for hisfather and his brethren, but an heavenly Canaan, e- ven-the Kingdomeofheaven,as Chrift Paid to his Difciples Fear not little flock., it is your Fathersgoodplearsre to give you the Kingdome, Luke 2.32. and Luke 22.29. I appoint untoyou a Kingdome, as my Father hallo appointed unto me. Worldly troubles mayhalfen us fooner to this happyeíhate, but they cannot deprive us of it, Rom. S. 3 5. Therefore, though the outward man perith, yet look up towards this Kingdome, and lift up thy heart to the living God, thy loving father in Chrift, and the inner manQhall berenewed daily, 2 Gor. 4. 14, 15, 16. TheTecond The fecond thing, to beobferved, is Davids readineflè, Obíervation. to yeeld fincere obedience to this condition of God, to Peek his face : hereto Davids heart anfìvvered, thy face O Lord will ',leek. Markhere then, that `Davids heart was fincere- ly fet on Gods command to leek his face : that is, his grace and favour in the way he had ordained in his SanEfuary. Pfa1. 42. I, 2. As the hart pantethafter the water brook.!, fo panteth myfoule after thee, O Lord. c..21/ty foule thirfleth for God, even for the living God, when fhall Icome and ap- peare before God. Pfal. 119.20.58. with my whole heart have Ifought thee, Ientreated thyfavour With my whole heart. 'NTT" The word tranflated favour, is face in the originali : and 1111D the entreatyhère meant is moll: earn.& and importunate for the word in the originali fignifieth to make tick or for,. rie. The realbns hereofare many and great. Firft,before this time, the Lord God had begun a good work in Davids heart by his holy fpirit, and revealed himfelffo far forth to David, that ` Davids heart was inamoured with theLord, as henotably expref eth, Pfal. 84. z, 2. 0 how amiableare 'thy tabernacles --- Myfoule lonteth,yea, evenfainteth for the Courts ofthe Lord : My heart andmy flub cryeth out for the living God ; as Pfd. 42, r, -2. and Pfd. 143. 6, 7. If retchforthmy hands unto thee, cc. Bearemee f j+eedi y, my