-xj Verf.8. `.Am ;Expoftton of 4127. Flame. myfpirit faileth ; hidenot thyfacefrim me. And that this was thecaufe of Davids feeking Gods face and favour, fee by the like, Cant, 5.4. t/2'ty belovedput in his hand by the hole of thedoore, andmy bowels were moved for him. The A Churches beloved is Chrift the Lord, hishand is his power, (hewed by the work ofhisfpirit with the word,as Acts I r. z 9, 20, 2 I . when this comes, thebowels earne , as 'Peters didupon the view of Chrifts glory. Matth. 17. 2, 4. Secondly , David knew, that God had fpeciall regard Rea 'The unto the heart, above all the parts of man , as i Sam. i 6. 7. and thereforecall for the heart ofevery one , that is his childe. Prov. 23. 26. and would have this part begin all the aetionsofhis fervice. See for hearing the word. Deut. 32. 46. Prov.4.2o,21. and for prayer , Hof 7. 14. which when it is wanting, he rejeaeth the fervice. Mat. r 5.8,9. Thirdly,theexcellency ofthe bleffing drew his heart un- The third to it : for Gods face is Gods favour and lovingkindneff7, Reaton. wherein is life, Pfal. 20. 5. nay, it is better then life. Pfal. 63. t, 2. 3. Thereupon, 'fal. 4.6. Lord lift up the light ofthy countenance upon us : and Pfal. 80. 3, 7, 19. caufe thy faceto Thine, and we fhall be faved. The fourth Fourthly, he knew the feeking ofthe heart was true and Reafon. fincere feeking,fuch as God required,Pf.5 t.6. and filch as he will fpeed,for this and all other bleflingsler. 29.13. Pf24. 3,&c. the way to joy,Pf.r o6.3,4.toblef edne(le,Pf. r 19.2. This ferves for infiruaion, admonition, and comfort. For inffruetion two wayes. Firff , it lets vs plainly fee The 6r11 Ure the right ground and foundation of acceptable obedience forinftrufti- tntoGod, in every duty which he requireth , namely , a ou' good heart anheart fet for Godsglory therein : for the heart is the fountainof theafions goodor evil', as Chri1 teacheth, Mat.' 2.34,35. Out ofthe aboundance ofthe heart themouthreaketh.A goodman,out ofthe good treafureof his heart,bringeth forth good things; and an tvill man, out ofthe evil' treafure ofhis hearts-brmgeth forth evil' things: whichweare the rathertonote,becaufe wicked men,though they cannot juhifie theiraftions,yet they will plead for the K ; good-