Verf. S. An ExpofLionofthe27. rf tone. fing the forefaid means is, firft, to break off the courfeof finne, Prov. I. 23. for raigning fin and raving grace never dwell together, I john 5.6. Secondly, hunger and thirft after grace and mercy, If. 55. t . and If. 44. 3. Revel. 2r. e. Thirdly, in the wayof obedieñcc unto that we know, A5 s 5.3a. wait upon God in the forefaid means, as the impotent peopledid at the poole of Bethefda, Iohn 5. 2, ;, 4. for they that 'wait upon the Lord I77allrenew their fcre4gth, If, 40. 3 I . The fcconä. Secondly, learnof David to fet the heart on work on of for admo- every aerion wee performe to God, yea let it begin the ninon. work. This was Davids care, as Pfal. 57.7. cAry heart isfaxed (or prepared) OGod, my heart is fixed. Confider the rea- fons beforenamed. 'For comfort, this makes greatly to the upright-hearted, The Ufe for when they arenot able to exprcffe in words,w hat they con- comfort. ceive, or to performe for Gods glory, what they defire. Let them here obferve, that there is fweet intercourfe be- tween the Lord and anupright heart, heknowes the mea- ning of the fighes and groans thereof, Rom. S. 2 6. The heart can fpeaktoGod efteFtually without the helpofthe tongue, as, Pfal. 25 . i . Nehem. 2. 4. and the heart can anfwer Gods command, as in this place. Verfe9. Hide not thyface far-re from me, put -not thyfer- vane array in anger : thouhaft been my help, leave we not, neither forfak,e me, O Clodofmyfalvation. Ere David, according to his holy profeflion in the The meaning formerverfe,makes humbleand earn& fuittmtoGoxi, of the words. that he maynot be denyed, nor deprived ofthe comfort of Gods favour, and the light ofhis countenance. This fait 'he puts up in variety ofphrafe, for the greaterevidenceofun- faigned defire, and that alfo by couples, as Chrift Pent forth .his Difcipks for their mutnall ftrengthening, and further barketh each couple with a itrong reafon. The frft doubled fuit