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A» . xpoßtionof the27. Pfalme. Verf.g; fuit is this, Hide not thyfacefamefromme, put not aWay thy fervant in anger. The reafons propounded to ftrengthen them are two : the firít implyed in the title fervant : the fecond expre(fed, drawn from formerexperience of Gods goodneífe; thouhaft beenmine helper. The fecond couple or doubled requeft is this, leave me not, neitherforfale me: and the reafon backing them , is drawn from David title to Godbycovenant : thus plainly expreffed , 0 godof my falvation. The things then, which wehave here to handle, areDa- vid: requests, and Davids reafons to enforce the fame. His requefs are deprecatory againít evils he feared, and in part felt': as the hiding of Gods face , putting away in anger, Gods leavingand forfaking, which all aiming at one thing, even David: feelingand fruitionofGods favour, we may The firm in them all well obferve ; That Davidprayed earneftly,that Obfervation. he might not be deprived of Godsgrace and favour , nar want the light of Gods countenance to thine upon him. Pfd.13. i . How long wilt thouforget me, OLord,for ever? How longwilt thouhide thy facefromme ? The fire The reafons hereof are weighty : Firft , the fi;rpaffing Reafon worth and excellency ofGods fpeciall favour, whereofhe would not be deprived : in it is life. Pfal. 3 c. 5. it is bet- ter then life. Pfal. 63.3. now all that a manhath, will he give forhis life. ¿ob 2.4. Theiecoìd Secondly , he knew the difpleafure of God was a molt Reafon. heavie and grievous thing, which no creature is able to bear. Pfal. 76. 7. Thou , even thou , art tobefeared : and who mayBand in thyfight , when once thou art angry ? See Deut. 3 2.41,42. If Iwhet myglitteringfword, &c. Ven- geance is his , andhe will recompence. Solomon faith , the Wrath of a King is as me engers ofdeath. Prov. 16. t 4. what then is the anger ofGod ? The third Thirdly, `Davidknew hisown guilt offine : bothori- Reton. ginall, Pfal. 5 i. 5. and aetuall, Pfd. 51. 3, 4. and fo must needs conceive that God in jufticemight hidehis face from hit; beangry with him , leavehina , and forfake him : as he