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Verf.9. do Expofatioi ofthe 27. Pfalme: he faith, Pfal. 13c. 3. If thou Lord, f ouldeft marlZ,iniqui- ties, O Lord, Whofhall f and ? Fourthly, he was not ignorant ofGods foveraignty over The foiirtt all,whereby he may,even for triall ofgrace,hidehis face,and Reafon. feem angrywith his deareft fervants. For who was better then yob ? 22,nne in his time was like him in all the earth, an upright man, fearingGod,andefchewingevill, rob. I. 8. yet who endured forer off ic`fions ? fo as he complaineth , that Godhid his face, and held him for his enemy , that he writ bitter things againft him, and madehim to poflèfl'e the fins ofhis youth.?ob -13.24,26. vea God himfelf confeffAh,that Satan movedhim to defiroy rob Without a caufe, ?ob 2. 3. This ferves for in.ftrudion, and for admonition. For inlruaion 3.ways. Firft,fe in David,what the god- The &iris ly do thinkof thewant of Gods favour, furely , that it is a Ute for in- molt grievous and bitter thing ; as ifa father fhould put a- ñruetion . way his childe in anger,leavehim and forfake him.This Da- vidmanifefted in his fpeech to Zadok,when he brought out the ark ofGod to carry with them : Carry back (faithhe) thearkofGod into the city , if Ifhallfindefavour in the eyes ofthe Lord , he will bring meagain , andfheWme both it and his habitation. But ifhefäy, Ihave no delight in thee , behold, here I arn,lct him do tome,asfeemeth goodunto him. 2 Sam. I .25,26.This is therather to be marked,becaufethe hearts of naturall men are not affected with the leali forrow , for the hidingof Gods face: if they may enjoy temporali blef- lângs,wherein their naturall hearts do take delight,they de- fire no more,being ofSau/s minde, who whenSamuel had told himGod had call him away, yet defired tobe honou- red before the people,' Sam. i 5.23.3o. he fought for popu- lar honour,but makes no entreaty for Godsfavour.And in- deed,how íhould naturall men dootherwife?The favourof God in Chrift is a fpirituall blefïing , and the want thereof (expreffed by the hidingof Gods face)a fpiritual judgment. . Thefeare things unknown, without thework of the fpirit as i. Cor,2, i 4.and fono marvell ifthe judgment benot fea- red,where thecontrary bleffing is not difcerned,nor defired. L Second-