74 AnExpofitionof the 27. Pfalme. Verf.9' vou`chfafehis favour, andnot hidehis face, &c. are three ? The lirlt is implied in the title fervant , wherewith David Miles himfelf in the fecond branch ofthispetition : put not The fecond thy fervant away in anger. Where , in David,- judge_ C36ie Çe on. ment this is plain, That to be Gods fervant , is a good ground, and átep towards the attainment of Gods favour : it is that which gives title to mercy , in time oftrouble in- ward or outward : Pfal. 3 I.15, 16. Deliver me f om the handofmine enemies make thyface toy.ine upon thy fer- vant,Pave mefor thy mercies fake. Pfal. 69. I 7. Hide not thyface from thy fervant , for I am in trouble. Pfal. 86.4. Rejoice thefoul of thyfervant. Ifa. 65. 13, 14. Thusfaith theLordGod. Beholdmyfervants (ball eat , butye fhall be hungry : Behold , my fervants (hall drink, but ye 'hallbe thirfly : Behold, myfervants 'hall rejoyce, butye (hall le a- fhamed : Behold, myfervants (hall f ngforjoy ofheart , but ye ¡hall cryforforrow ofheart. he iteafora. The lea f on is plain : Every true fervant of God is cer- tainly in covenant with God , by an holy calling , i Cor. 7.22. He that is called in the Lord, being a fervant , is the Lords free-man : likewife alto he, that is called being free, is Chrifts fervant : fo that whether he bebond or free, by his holy calling he belongs to God. Now being thus in co- venant with God , he is entituled to all Gods bleffings in Chrift, and fo to the fruitionof Gods favour. Pfd. 89. 4, 2c,21, 24. /hawmade a covenant with my chofen , Ihave [Worn untoDavidmy fervant Ihave found David my fervant, with my holy oyl have I anointedhim --with whom my handalfo fhall be eflablifhed myfaithfulnefje and my mercy/hall be With him---mymercyWill Ikeep withhimfor ever, andmycovenant 'hallftandfafl With. him. This ferves for inftrudion, and for admonition. TheEft Ufe For inftruEtion, two wayes. Firft,that it is a bleffed,and for ínftrulti- happy thing, to be Gods true fervant. Confider what the 90, QueenofSheba faid of Solomons fervants, i Kinds io. 8. Happy are thefe thyfervants,&c. NowChrist Jefus is Brea- ter then Solomon, Math. 12. 42. and fo abetter Mafter. Good