86 An Expofttiot of the 27. P falme. ;Verf.ro. father and mother , whom common naturebound to bee dearly and tenderly carefull over him : faying , when ( or although ) my father and my mother forfake me , yet the Lordwill gather, or takeme up. Which wordsbeing plain , wehave in them two points tonote, the firL} implied , the fecond expreffed. The thing implied is this : The fir[} That Davids father and mother , and fohis dearer and Obfervation. nearef} friends, might leave him and forfake him , in times of difreffe. Pfal. 3 8. I I. My lovers andmy friends Band alooffrornmy fore , andmy hinfinen Band afarre of. Plat. 88.8.1 8. Thou haft put away mineacquaintancefarrefrom me : thouhaft mademe an abominationunto them-- Lover andfriendhaft thouputfarre from me , and mine acquain- tance into darknef e : as ifhe íhould have Paid, now I am in The fir!} mifery, I cannot fee them, they will not feeme. ïteafop. The reafon hereof is twofold. Firf} , their fear of Saul their King, who was a furious bloody-minded man, as may appear ( betide his inhumane carriage to `David, whofe workes towards Saul were very good, as i Sam. 9. 4,5, I o, i I .) by his barbarous dealing with the Lords Prieu s, whom he put to the fword , bothmen , and women , chil- dren, and fiicklings, and oxen, and affes, and lheep, without any jut} caufe. I Sam. 22. 1 8, 19. Yea further, by his un- natural! dealingwith hisown fonne,whom he did not one- ly íhamefully revile, but mull unnaturally Peek to flay , for his love and kindneileunto David. 1 Sam. 20. 30, 31, 33. Hereupon Da^ ids friends might juflly fear his cruel! hands: for they might fay, ifhewould not fparehis own fonne for Davids fake, what will he do to us, ifwe Phew David any kindneffe ? Andhence no doubt it was, that Davids father and mother, and all their houfe, went down to David , when he was in the cave ofAdullam, that they might bee out ofdanger from Sauls fury, i Sam. 22. I, 3. Thetfecond Secondly, this might befall David by divine difpofition, Reafon. for the trial! of Davids faith and patience , as in like cafe it befell 706, J ob t9. 13, t4, t 9 Hebathput my brethrenfarre from