Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

b 191ectott0 tattb.: them a foundingeand Melting into diftillations of favOur. As foon as the prodigal fon returned and caft hirtifelf On his fathers mercy, his father rites and kiffes him; and the ring, and the belt robe,and the fatted calf, are ali litle enough for him,Luke 15. And as it is very pretious, fo it is very fafe. Bellarmtne hitrifelf, after 'many difpu- f cat. l.s. tations about jutlification,doth yet:concludt; tiff inzurn elf, fiduciam tatam in fblià Dei miferi- benignitäte reponere,it moll fafe to pit all (no confidence in the role mercy and bounty of God. Thirdly, This refignation is made to the Word, as the warrant for both the former, refignalions. 'Ask a believer why he refigns to Jefus thrift for Pardon and juflification,his anfwer will be,I find in the word that ay* bath fulfilled all righte- otifnell bore our 'iniquitia,made an endof/in aild 'reconciled us to God by bi4 croW, therefore I refign to him. Ask him again, why he tefigns to God for it, his arifwer will be,I find in the word that "God is decyphered inbletfed titles, as gracious, merciful,abundant in goodnef?, and ready to for- giim;and that the grace in his heart flows down to us in promifes of pardon, blotting out iniqui- ty, and cajiingfin behind 4i,s back, into the depth of the fea, therefore I refign. Parley with him further,and he will tell you,thatover and betides Gods infallible word, he hath his oath. As to Chiift the atoning Prieft, God bath fworn,lhon art a PrieftforseviT, PI-4Lnc+ And as to his own grace and faVour,lae hath fworn, I have no leafii-in the death of the wick-d, but that the -Wicked