Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

IlcctottO ,JI Ùttb: I Y doth under divine ordinances : nay, take him even in natural a6ions,the believer (when him - Pelf) eats, and drinks, and fees, and hears, and fpeaks, and íleeps, and wakes, and walks after another rate then other men,doing all under the Law of Chrift;that's a knife at his throat, a co- vering to his eyes,a {topper to his ears, a bridle ien his lips, when he fleepeth, that keeps him, when he waketh, that talks with him, when he walketh,that leads him ; the kingdom of hea- ven,which is not meat or drink, or any fuch thing, is by faith brought down into all thefe. The genius of faith is to be ruled by Chriti in all things. Secondly, This refignation in and through the Mediator,is made to God,I fay,in and through the. Mediator; becaufe without him, we can expr_ 7 to be ruled by God in no other way then by th,: iron rod of his power and jutlice, lathing us in pieces to all eternity ; but in and through him, the believer may and doth yttld up' himfelf to God to be ruled. And here he makes ufe of two Attributes, Gods foveraignty, and Gods holineJ God is the fupream Lord ,and mull be obeyed ; he is the holy one,and mac be fandified in each command : the beams of his majelly and holi- nefs fparkle out,and thefe faith takes in to melt the heart into a compliance with the divine will. Plato being asked by one of his Scholars, how long his precepts were to be obeyed, anfwered, Donee in terris apparuerit f cratior aliquis, qui fontem veritatis aperiat,the believer delires to be ruled by God,becaufe an higher and holier Can- not colnle. hirdl y,