lecíougi Jaitb. I r 9 liever goes to the word, there' is the School where he would be taught of God,there are the gates and door -ports where he would hear wif- dom (peak. Secondly, This refignation is made to its entire objeel,and not by piece -meal. As to God the ulti- mate obje61, the believer would not pick and chufe among his Attributes, but is for them all, he would not have a God all of grace, but fuch as he is,an holy one and a juft, who will be fan - ¿}ified even in our approaches to touch his gol- den Scepter. Thebeliever,whileft he cafts him - felf upon Gods grace, would be aflimulated to his holinefs, when he catches hold on mercy, withall he trembles at divine juftice,as he waits for the fmilings of Gods face, fo he walks as in his prefence;a11 places to the believer are Bethels and Peniels,full of God, and too dreadful to fin in. If any man go about by his faith to tingle out grace from among the otherAttributes,and fuck that honicomb of infinite fweetnefs by it felfalone, he doth not believe but prefume, like thofe in the Prophet, The heads thereofjudge for reward, and the Priefis thereof teach for hire, and the Prophets thereof divine for money, yet will they lean upon the Lord, NTic.3.i I. O vain preiùmp- tion ! for them ftanding upon fuch unholy ground, to lean upon the Lord, is an utter im- poffibility. A traitor who ftrikes off his Sove- raignsCrown;or. with (Jacket ftabs at his image, doth not,cannot,at that time -caft himfelf on his Grace or Royal favour : A finner;whileft by his finful rebellions he flrikes at the Soveraign íy or T .