Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

120 tCCiau gait!). flabs at the holinefs of God, Both not, cannot, lean upon his free- grace. St. John hath deter- mined the cafe, If we fay that we have fellomfhip with him,and walk in darkneff,we lye, and do not the truth, i 7oh. i.6. Let fuch an one cry up free - grace, free- grace, never fo much, he Both but truft in a lye,there is no fuch grace as he dreams of, none but what comes from the holy one as the giver of it,none but what teaches the recei- ver a leffon of holinefs. Again, as to Jefus Chrift the Mediator, the believer is for All Chrift, not only for him as a meriting and atoning Prieft, but for him as a teaching Prophet, and ruling Lord alfo. Whilefi he wraps up himfelf in the pure robes of Chrifts righteoufinefs, at the fame inliant his ear is open to difcipline, and his heart unfolds the everlafting doors to let in the King of glory ; he puts the Crown upon his head, and Pets him upon the throne of the heart, Pinging bleffing, honour, power, glory, to the Lamb for e- ver.That Chrift who is in glory in heaven at the right hand of Majeily,comes to be in glory in the heart by the refignations of faith. Thus he him- felf faith,the#irit fhailglorifie me, 7oh. r G. a 4.that is, by working faith in the heart, as the Father glorifies him above,fo the fpirit, and under that faith,glorifie him belów.If any man go about by his faith to pick out the merits and righteoufnefs of Chrifi for falvation, without a refpeCt to his teaching and ruling offices,he mangles and tears in pieces Chrift,as much as in him lieth, renting of Mils from Chrift, nay and lefus in twain, whom he admits only to fave him from the guilt