Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

124 P2cctouli 5att j. well fay,here's doiirine enough for me, faith will not turn vagrant and .lye about at humane doors for do&rines, there is enough in the word. A- gain, the believer would not is to worfhip be re- ligious above what is written ; that of the Schoolmen,cultus eft à naturâ,modus à lege, vir- tus à gratiâ, worJhip is from nature, the manner from the Law,the power from grace,is very excel- lent. The very light of nature faith,God is to be worfhipped, but faith goes to the word for the manner,and to free -grace for the power.God in the fecond Commandement forbids graven Ima- ges,not as falfe objetlr of worfhip, which are for - bidden in the tirfl Commadement, but as falfe means and manner of worfhip,and under graven Images,as being the chiefeft and groflett kind of falfe worfhip. God doth forbid all other falle worfhip humanely deviled, fuch as thefe were : hence true faith looks on all humanely devifed worships as fo many graven Images, 'a kind of 7eraphim,expreiling,though not as they did, an humane fhape,yet an humane devife and inven- tion,things void of God,without inftitution and withouthenediEtion. That of the Prophet, who bath required this at your hand, Ifa.i. 12. falls like thunder on all the imagery of humane in- ventions, lathing them to pieces in a moment. &uintinus the Libertine, being prefent at a fo- lemn Mafs with a Cardinal, boated that he law the glory of God. I fuppofe according to his loofè principles of beingunder no outward Law, he would have Maid as much if he had been a- mong Pagans at theit Idolatrous worfhip ; but the